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Multi Energy Needs Fixes + Misty OP

The odds are multi energy needs to be fixed. I've played several dragonite games and the inconsistency with energy is infuriating. I've had a game where I got 5 water energy in a row, another with 4 water in a row, and several with 3 same energy in a row. This bad luck at the beginning means an inevitable loss when you can't use half your deck until you 4th+ turn.

The energy zone is clearly 50%/50% on deciding the next energy which needs to be changed to have some sort of bad luck protection or more TCG like odds. In real a real TCG, assuming the 2 energy amounts in the deck are equal, the odds of drawing the same energy decrease as there are less of it in the deck.

Example: 60 card deck with 7 water and 7 electric energy. If an energy is to be drawn, the odds of drawing a water energy is 7/14. If a water energy is drawn, the next time I draw an energy card, the odds of it being another water energy decreases to 6/13. If 3 of the same energy were drawn in a row, it would decrease the odds of getting the same energy to 4/11.

Solution: Introduce similar odds in how the energy zone works so that the odds decrease for energy you have gotten more of and increase the odds of getting energy you have gotten less of. Of course this won't always prevent the 5 same energy streak, but it will most certainly decrease the odds of this happening compared to the current 50%/50% odds energy zone seems to have.

Energy Support cards will help with this issue, but the energy zone still needs to be fixed for consistency.

Also side note: nerf Misty into the ground. Energy is king in the current meta and having the chance to put multiple energy on a mon like Articuno EX on turn 1 is just anti fun and an auto win for the user. The other support cards that add energy are very specific about what mon the energy can be put on, all of which (except 3 cost onyx) require an evolved mon which prevents turn 1 shenanigans. Those mons also are generally mediocre in power level, Raichu being a slight exception.

Solution: Change it so Misty has this ability only on certain mons with lower power levels, or have it just be 1 flip for energy rather than endless flips. The latter is still extremely powerful and puts water decks above most others. I don't expect card changes/nerfs since it's a TCG, but at least test the cards in a few matches before making them permanent additions because this is by far the most toxic card I've ever seen in a TCG.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,597 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    If they wanted to nerf Misty that would had been done long ago, even during the pre-release (the complains started there).

    I don't think they are going to make a big change like you want, maybe they will reduce the coin flip to only 2 times… that would be fine to me.

    Don't forget the most played water Pokemon have a relatively low damage output and either required evolution or high amout of energy… not to mention weakness to lightning… as you know lightning decks (Pikachu) are one of the fastest and probably the best deck now… without Misty boost water decks wouldn't be played much if any significant play at all.

  • LimDulson
    LimDulson Member Posts: 13
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    It might be a bit crazy, but maybe you can choose the type of energy you generate each turn from among the types you have in play.

  • Meowy11111
    Meowy11111 Member Posts: 276 ✭✭✭
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    @PiriPiri why are you playing a dragon type deck in the first place? It’s highly unstable having to water or electric energy at random, making it hard to actually win! Plus misty is not actually that op if you notice how low the card getting rate in packs is, so people will rarely have Misty.

    You should worry about the more complicated decks instead…

    Misty is going to be a hot topic, now that I realise…

  • Meowy11111
    Meowy11111 Member Posts: 276 ✭✭✭
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