Earthen Seal Stone and Espeon Vmax

Since forest seal stone still works with path to the peak. Shouldn't Earthen Seal Stone work against Espeon Vmax's ability?
Just played a game where I used the Earthen seal stone against a deck using Espeon Vmax. I used the Vstar Power and none of the bench got effected by because of Espeon's Vmax's ability `Prevent all effects of attacks from your opponent’s Pokémon done to all of your Pokémon that have Energy attached.(Existing effects are not removed. Damage is not an effect.)`
But if the argument that Forest works against path because the ability is on the item not the pokemon, shouldnt the same apply for this attack?
Since the ability says `From your opponent's Pokemon` then it should of worked since the attack comes from the item card not the pokemon.
There's a big difference between both examples.
A pokemon with forest seal stone doesn't "have" the ability, but it still "uses" that ability.
A pokemon with earthen seal stone doesn't "have" the attack, but it still "uses" that attack.
what does that mean? path to the peak doesn't interact with star alchemy, because path removes abilities the pokemon have, it doesn't prevent them from using them.
In the opposite side, if we had a pokemon with an attack that says " if one of your opponent's pokemon used an ability last turn, this attack does 50 more damage" it would count Star alchemy as an ability used by that pokemon.
Now with earthen seal stone, abilities like espeon Vmax still consider star gravity as an "attack used by your opponent pokemon" but something like morpeko from rebel clash cannot select star gravity with the attack torment, because is not an attack the pokemon "has".
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Wow thank you for such a clear explanation. I don't know why Pokemon doesn't sell a more advanced rulebook so players like me don't have to stumble through the finer points and get frustrated.
For example, I felt waves of guilt the day I thought I took advantage of a bug in LIVE that allowed me to use Brave Blade once per turn by benching and unbenching. I felt like a monster for using it to win a game against an opponent. Finally, I decided the right thing to do was to report it on this forum, and I come in here and find that someone else had reported it already, and lo and behold.... it was not a bug. It was just an effect, and effects are removed when a mon gets benched.