Please make 2 brackets

There should be a bracket where Ex pokemon are legal, and one where it's banned, 99% of the pokemon right now are useless, every game is just about who gets the first Ex pokemon and start one hitting the other..
I don't know witch format you are talking about…
But if you mean Standard, 99% of the Pokemon being useless, it's kind of too much…
I mean in Standard even if there were about what 1000 playable Pokemon? (not the actual number of Pokemon, it's just to prove the point) if only 1% is usefull it's like 10 usefull Pokemon? nonsense…There are still strategies it's not just about being the 1st to put an ex in play… that said I think a none ex format could be nice, but the reasoning behind your request is guff.
If you are talking about other format, next time you should specify it, otherwise the reader will have to assume things.