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Ranked latter does not work

the rank you are in the game has literally nothing to do with the rank of the player your paired against. Everyone's account was reset so there are other people in pokeball, I'm only getting paired to master ball and ultra ball and this has always happened, I always figured no one else was playing at my current rank. There is clearly a hidden elo cause I win most my games I just can't force myself to play a bunch of games on the client so I don't rank up much. The rank should be the hidden elo. The current system seems like the people who made it have never played a game with ranked in it. It's just disappointing between that, all the bugs and whatever randomizes everything seeming to not be very good. The game just feels like a chore to play


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    It's not just you, my pairing since the last update it's crazy... not sure if is related to having less players around just a guess. Would be interesting to see how much impact TCG Pocket had on TCG Live active players.

  • Mod_Bee
    Mod_Bee Moderator Posts: 698 mod
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    Hi Trainers! Please consider submitting a ticket to support regarding your experience so they can gather important details and screenshots from you all. This will help them investigate this and look for a resolution. To do that, go to support.pokemon.com, click on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and then hit "Contact Us." Thanks!

  • Kraazyi
    Kraazyi Member Posts: 2
    Name Dropper First Comment

    I don’t think Pocket affected it that much; they’re very different games. I like Pocket, but I prefer the standard TCG. They really messed up the ranking system overall.

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I actually think it had some impact, I mean TCG Pocket has amassed over 30 million downloads in under two weeks, some significant percentage of that for sure were already original TCG players, sure many just downloaded it to try, but some are still playing it, and that means less time for TCG Live.

    And yes this changed Ladder/Pass… it didn't help… from comments I see all over the web the majority the of players don't like it some even say they stop playing because of that… TCG Pocket may be an additional enticement to leave this game.