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BUG - Weaknesses Not Registering against Bench Pokemon

This may be related to the Giovanni plus Hitmonlee bug, but when either Hitmonlee hits an electric Pokemon or Zebstrika hits a water Pokemon on the bench, the weaknesses are not registering and each attack is only doing 30 damage (when it should be doing 50).

Best Answer

  • Tamast
    Tamast Member Posts: 4
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    #2 Answer ✓

    In the Pokemon TCG it is a rule that weaknesses and resistances don't apply to benched pokemon, this may be a rule that is carried over to Pocket that was not made clear for new players. Also the interaction between Giovanni and Hitmonlee isn't a bug. Giovanni specifies that attacks to ACTIVE pokemon do additional damage, while Hitmonlee targets BENCHED pokemon.


  • Zzbrent
    Zzbrent Member Posts: 3
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    Thank you!

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,366 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited November 8 #4

    A correction about the rule… the Pokemon TCG rule it's not that weaknesses and resistances don't apply to benched pokemon…

    The rule is that "by default weaknesses and resistances don't apply to bench", this means that if a card specifically states that it applies weaknesses and resistances to the bench it would be legal, in other words there is no rule against it, there are just no cards currently that do it.

  • Tamast
    Tamast Member Posts: 4
    First Answer First Comment

    In the Pokemon tcg weaknesses and resistances don't apply to pokemon on the bench, this may be a rule carried over that wasn't outlined clearly to new players. Also Giovanni plus Hitmonlee isn't a bug, Giovanni specifies the additional damage is done to the active pokemon, while Hitmonlee attack targets pokemon on the bench