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More time to see what cards or attacks have been used

As a general improvement can we more easily see which cards have been used as a result of effects that work within the discard pile? I've seen this come up mostly against regidrago decks where I'm not sure which cards my opponent has chosen to take from their discard pile as a result of regiddragos vstar's ability legacy star. This information is public knowledge and should be displayed in less quick fashion with the option to skip past it with a mouse click.

furthermore - its not clear which attack regidrago is selecting from the dicard pile when using apex dragon. This is also true against mew decks. Could more information be displayed to the player on which attack these attack-copying attacks are copying?

In general I feel sometimes the animations are too quick when it comes to these types of selections my opponent makes. Having them appear there for a a few seconds longer with the option to tap or click to skip would feel better.


  • Gcarimi
    Gcarimi Member Posts: 5
    First Comment

    I agree. Also having a Game log in the setting would be great so you can reference what they selected.

  • PachirisuFan1
    PachirisuFan1 Member Posts: 189 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 25 Agrees

    I want a game log so bad lol, especially if we're going to be stuck with the current turn length because manually clicking through discard piles and lost zones just to try to figure out what's going on is very arduous. There's also a pyukumuku card that gets shuffled into the deck and I have no idea how because it shows on screen for less than a second.

  • Zorowark
    Zorowark Member Posts: 6
    First Comment
    edited February 2023 #4

    It's ability shuffles it into the deck and lets you draw a card I think. Chuck a pyukumuku? Something like that.