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Fix the shuffling mechanic

The rng on the shuffling is beyond stupid. Tell me how I can go on 15+ streaks every second day then every other day I'll go maybe 4-5 wins out of 15 at the most. Over a period of a few days to a week I'd understand but I've been migrated since last July and this has been a noticeable pattern for 2-3 months or more.


  • Jami3
    Jami3 Member Posts: 17

    RNG is not your winrate. It isn't supposed to roll you into wins. It's only busted if it's not rolling into cards and then that is what results in a loss. What's actually going for you in the games buddy? What deck are you playing? Maybe there's a tweak that could increase your chances?

  • kot123456
    kot123456 Member Posts: 108 ✭✭✭
    5 LOLs 100 Comments 25 Likes First Anniversary

    The "randomized" mechanics in Live definitely feel off, like deck shuffling, coin flips, matchmaking. I don't have concrete proof but I don't think it's hard to notice