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How come every time I’ve come a Eternatus V and Galarian weezing deck my turns are skipped

Every time I play against this deck and they put out there galarian weezing and attack with severe poison

boom 49 damage added to my Pokémon

their turn ends

My turn begins I draw

a card

and Boom my turn is over

and theirs begins again

how is that okay!

I just played a match and what do you know I came across this deck again!

so I thought hmm maybe just maybe we’ll see what happens

the third turn, not my third turn the entire match his second turn this happens again and I thought okay well there goes that Pokémon that’s great I’m mean I didn’t put him on my bench then to the active spot because I was going to use him or anything

like who would even try use a Pokémon to attack The other teams in hope so damage them

but after this excruciatingly devastating non stop error occurred

I for the first time had every turn skip after that

it the opponent was alotted 4 back to back turns without me doing anything other then being allowed my one card draw for the beginning of the turn just to power back down and start the opponents turn allowing him to actually play the damn game

Best Answer

  • Wiselugia
    Wiselugia Member Posts: 9
    Second Anniversary First Answer First Comment
    #2 Answer ✓

    I don't think it has anything to do with specific cards - there's a sweeping problem with the entire darkness type that causes animations to run so slowly that your turn clock can start running and time out while you have no control whatsoever over the game.


  • MrRog3rs
    MrRog3rs Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    yeah I've noticed after running more matches. I also noticed that playing on the desktop version is very toxic right now. especially if you enjoy playing the game as im sure most of do, but I've been forced to only play the mobile version because of the ridiculous amount of bugs this game is riddled with.