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game stuck in mid-battle

while i play my turn the game stuck, it happens sometimes.

there is a solution to it?

( last match it happened to me: ManekiC7A VS UchihaLight )


  • Mod_Bee
    Mod_Bee Moderator Posts: 698 mod
    500 Comments 25 LOLs 5 Answers 25 Likes

    Hello @UchihaLight, our support team can take a closer look and see what's causing your game to get stuck in the middle of battle. If this is still occurring when you play, we suggest submitting a ticket over to our team to review. To do that, please go to support.pokemon.com, click on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and then select "Contact Us." Thank you!

  • nibiyabi
    nibiyabi Member Posts: 10
    First Comment

    Just happened to me too. Submitting tickets doesn't do anything. These issues have been reported dozens of times over the past 2 years and never get resolved.

  • lyntastic92
    lyntastic92 Member Posts: 5
    Name Dropper First Comment First Anniversary Photogenic

    This has happened to me three times in the last week, two of which were today.

    I play a card, then the game gets stuck as @UchihaLight said.

    The play clock still goes, and the holographic animations on cards still play, but everything else gets stuck.

    The first time, I played an Earthen Vessel. The card gets stuck in the middle of the board like it's supposed to while you decide which card to discard, but the game doesn't allow you to select a card to discard.

    Then, eventually, your turn gets skipped.

    Today, it happened with the PokeStop and Secret Box cards as well. With the PokeStop, as soon I put the stadium down, I couldn't interact with it nor could I interact with my hand.

    I play the desktop version of the app on Windows 11, if that helps

  • SylentRaine
    SylentRaine Member Posts: 1
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    Happened to me twice in a row. The card hovers while I am trying to play it and I am stuck in the middle of an action until my timer runs out and I forfeit my turn. Let us convert unwanted cards into credits if we have to tolerate all these game-breaking bugs and glitches.

  • MikeWave
    MikeWave Member Posts: 1
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    ^ Same thing happening to me very frequently recently. Ever 2 games or so I get one of those. Biggest issue is the forfeit of the turn, starting to make the game unplayable

  • stephen9495
    stephen9495 Member Posts: 10
    Name Dropper 5 Likes First Answer First Comment

    This has been happening a lot to me with Squawkabilly ex. It seems like when I use it's ability "Squawk and Seize" or try retreating with it, it enters into an in between actions phase. It happened to me in 3 different games today. I've had similar game freezing / breaking bugs and glitches over the past few days but thought it was just the routine maintenance. I'm going to be submitting a ticket shortly - hopefully all of our tickets can help fix this problem.

  • Hyperion924955
    Hyperion924955 Member Posts: 68 ✭✭
    10 Comments 5 LOLs First Anniversary 5 Agrees

    tickets don't do a thing. It's an absolute mess and the most they ever do is put a band aid over it. Just done 5 games and every single one bugged either on mine or my opponents end. Waste of time.