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Marrowak EX attack coin flips results in 2 tails every time

Marrowak EX attack flipped 2 tails 6 times in a row.

The odds of this are 1/4096.

Please take a look.


  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,507 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    i actually noticed this when I played against someone with a marrowak ex they kept getting both tails allowing me the time I needed to setup my Mewtwo and gardevoirs and take victory in the match

  • D1BS
    D1BS Member Posts: 1

    RNGesus was really not with you for this one! Sorry to hear that.

    It's crazy that the coin flip for Misty also has a 50% chance of failure (or success if you're an optimist) on the very first flip. I guess it's a balance technique.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited October 2024 #4

    So you've never had a full odds shiny encounter before? 1/4096 isn't all that low...

  • Shadowbrine1
    Shadowbrine1 Member Posts: 208 ✭✭✭
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    I run a marrowak ex deck and I only get 2 tails every now and again

  • cooldude66558
    cooldude66558 Member Posts: 1
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    whether I’m playing solo or against bots, coin flips are not 50:50, after maybe 4 or more losses I’ll win, but it’s right back to losing

  • Imawinnernotyou
    Imawinnernotyou Member Posts: 2
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    skill issue

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,597 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    If you think Marrowak ex coin flip is frustrating then try Misty lol

  • FirefightrAdams
    FirefightrAdams Member Posts: 1
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    I literally just experienced this again. New player here. Downloaded the game yesterday. My EX card received on day 1 was Marrowak. My last two matches were all tails. The first one, I rolled tails on back to back attacks (4 times in a row), I ended up just retreating marrowak for a sandslash to finish the match. Didn’t think much of it. The next match absolutely was ridiculous. I get my opponent down to pokemon. I need one more point to win. He downs my sandslash, I put out Marrowak. I then proceed to fail my attack 5 turns in a row. A total of 10 consecutive tails. He ended up getting the ivysaur and venasaur he needed on his bench during that time and fully outfitted it with energy before switching it out after my fourth failed attack. I had a chance to still win if my fifth attack hit so I could follow up with my benched onyx. But it didn’t. I literally went from a clean sweep (opponent had zero points), to absolutely losing the match due to a broken coin flip. The first mentioned match, sure maybe. But then another 10 failed coin flips? I’ve never seen anything like that in a game. I’m going to try to just regard this as a one off..and try to play more. But, this was frustrating and worrisome.

  • EmperorIkiru
    EmperorIkiru Member Posts: 28
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    when it comes to 50/50 coin flips its hard for everyone to feel like its a true 50/50. You can't look at it like "If i flip 5 coins 2-3 coins should be heads" The way you have to look at it is "This 1 coin flip is going to be 0-1 heads, and this next coin flip is going to be 0-1 heads" and so and so forth as per the cards description.

    It really is just RnG and I hate having to rely on such RnG. So I build my decks with as little coin flipping as possible unless I have no better choices. Factually I have seen tails more often than heads on both my and my opponents side of the coin flip.

    As this is a video game there is always a chance there is invisible bug that could be causing coin flips to always hit tails for a duration of 1 game. But even then it couldn't hold up if at any point either side flips heads 1 time.

    Also be aware that your human opponents are probably experiencing the same troubles and that their having a game with several heads being flipped could be their 1 successful game of 10 attempts.

    The best way to really try and sus out the coin flip chances is to have hundreds of videos recorded of games with lots of coin flips and compare the results as a whole.