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Game Won't Let Me Choose a Basic Pokemon card of Choice into the Active Spot during Setup.

I play on a Redmi 9C Android phone.

There are instances (3 out of 5 games approx) where i cannot drag a basic pokemon card of choice into the active spot when i am prompted to choose and instead the game immediately takes the first sorted basic pokemon card in my hand and puts it in the active spot, compromising my starting setup. it sucks especially when the game just takes a Crobat V or any other supporting pokemon into the active spot. I hope this gets fixed somehow because it's ruining quite a number of matches.


  • OneTrueKota
    OneTrueKota Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    can second this. very frustrating and game ruining.

  • WatUSayinDoe
    WatUSayinDoe Member Posts: 11
    First Comment Name Dropper

    This is happening to me but it seems to be down to the timer.. I literally have 2 seconds to make a choice before it times out