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What precautions are set in place to prevent cheating?

Having people control my side of the field/prevent ANY moves by me (even moving pokemon to the active slot) and spam the thumbs up reaction the entire time. Has happened 4 times today


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    You are talking about two completely unrelated occurrences... and both have nothing to do with cheating.

    The 1st can be a card effect (eg boss can move Pokemon to active, sleep condition, item luck, etc.) or a game freezing glitch.

    The 2nd, avatar actions spam it's not cheating... it's just anoying people abusing a game feature.

  • BlossomSamurai8
    BlossomSamurai8 Member Posts: 3
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    are you serious? Why would they make a card that just locks someone out for an entire game

    im insinuating that they’re jesting with an animation because they know they’re up to something. What card just locks me off from the board for the duration of the game and how is that even a legal card?

  • pikayou
    pikayou Member Posts: 78 ✭✭✭
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    You're probably just lagging out, the game has a real issue with that kind of thing. Your opponent is probably spamming emotes because they think you're trying to timer stall them.

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited October 2024 #5

    If you can't do absolutely nothing like the game freeze… it's not a car effect, like said above you probably just disconnected from the game.

    A card can block specific actions, not the whole game.

  • BlossomSamurai8
    BlossomSamurai8 Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    If its lag then why does it just continue through the game like normal? My turns were being played by someone else and I had zero control. If they needed to discard cards they discarded from my hand. All my cards were moveable but not placable or able to be used but it didnt matter as my mons would move themselves. So i try to place a charmander but then my pidgey is placed and my turn ends on its own. Then once one pokemon was in the active slot, on my next turn nothing worked then my turn ended and the opponent knocked it out and won. They also place unlimited energies per turn. They fill their entire bench, evolve everything to max and max out all their energies turn one.

    I dont know how to explain any better. Its definitely not lag and I’d argue is severely suspect but I can see no one here has had the issue or cares so thats fine. I just wont play ranked I guess since theres a penalty for being cheated against. Easy fix at the cost of rewards