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Lost Ranking Randomly

I was searching ranked for a match, cancelled the search, then restarted searching for a ranked game. After I had won that game, on the results screen it showed I was going up 20 ranking points. However when I got back to the main menu, before the 20 points could be added, it said that my ranking had went down from 480 to 280. So after the match, I was at 300 ranking, not 500 ranking. Please fix this.


  • OGugão
    OGugão Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    Same for me, was about to hit 1.080 (corviknight rank), and the after i've won a match, my rank just randomly dropped to 620. Not laddering anymore :(

  • MrRog3rs
    MrRog3rs Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    same here! its happened to me three times and I don't know what to do about it. I also was about to hit 1080 and I was playing mobile get a phone call while searching for a match and so the search cancelled out and my rank dropped down to 600. it was devastating and ive been grinding ever since to try and get back up