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Should we have Proper Tournaments

One thing I have wanted since Pokémon Live was first released Is the abitlity to properly create an online tournament. Currently what people have to do is go onto Limitless TCG, join the tournament then friend their opponent to play the game and they have to be honest about the result too it would be so much easier to have a more customizable version of what we had in TCG online.

Should we have Proper Tournaments 8 votes

Ravenclawed1234DoubleCureOlderAngel11NashedtatorsclasinglaUNKNONSASQUATCHRoyalcreeper511 7 votes
Macedanga 1 vote


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,373 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited October 24 #2

    Of course would be fantstic to have better tournament support in the app.

    Indeed the TCG Online tournament play "steps" were basically the same as TCG Live… they didn't improve a thing there. But hey at least they implemented "play with a friend" feature lol could have been worse…

  • Royalcreeper511
    Royalcreeper511 Member Posts: 14
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    edited October 27 #3

    @DoubleCure I've seen that you use this a lot by any chance to you have any influence more than anyone else?

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,373 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited October 28 #4

    You mean influence on game development? Not even a bit.

    I'm just a player/collector of the physical/online TCG, apart from that I helped organizing TCG events locally and online… that's about it. Although since last year or so I've been less and less involved.

  • Royalcreeper511
    Royalcreeper511 Member Posts: 14
    Name Dropper First Comment

    okay yeah you just seemed like maybe a small chance