What's everyone's favourite Pokémon?

Mine is Articuno
Best Answers
Litten will always have a place in my heart
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For me specifically, it's Alolan Vulpix. Vulpix has been my favorite Pokémon since Generation 1 and yet it wasn't a true match for me because my favorite typing happens to be Ice. Yes, the Ice Type that is much maligned given its insane Defense liabilities that have rightfully garnered it the title of the worst Typing for several Generations. Then Generation 7 rolls around and they introduce regional variants. Thought nothing of it until I lay eyes on Alolan Vulpix… as an ICE TYPE. Not sure what Pokémon would make my top 5 list to join Alolan Vulpix in the top spot. Yet if I had to choose 4 more Pokémon, I'd pick Drapion, Togekiss, Serperior and Ampharos.
this is hard but imma say nidoking cause hes cool
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Thanks so much for sharing your favorite Pokémon, everyone! It’s always exciting to see the variety of picks and to hear the stories behind them – whether it’s based on battle strength, design, or just pure nostalgia. The passion and love for different Pokémon really show how diverse and creative this community is. Please keep the conversation going!
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Meowstic, then Phantump, then Mudkip