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Feature request: TRADING card game

Hey peeps

I'm hoping that in the future we could have some method implemented for converting cards into some kind of resource.

Pokemon, like the other card games that are available on paper, tends to have a lot of stuff in ecah set that's either only good in formats with limited card pool or targeted specifically towards collectors. The game also considers foils and alternate art versions of cards as completely different cards. Booster packs on TCGL also for some reason (if it's been explained by TPCi I'd love to hear it) only contain 5 cards.

For these reasons, earning credits only when you've already acquired 4x copies of that specific version/foiling of the card leads to some significant issues ingame. I genuinely think that the battle pass giving out entire decks is a great and kind gesture but it still leads to a huge problem with deck diversity in the long run.

I know plenty of people have mentioned this already so I'd be very surprised if there wasn't some kind of consideration for the future. I just think it's very important to make the player perspective as clear as possible. We're currently playing a "collectible card game" rather than a "trading card game" so even the name is now problematic.

# Also though my ranked rewards included a Crobat V leading to this beautiful situation where I have 6 copies now and I honestly feel quite cheated, especially when the card rotates out of Standard in a month. I'm literally getting less rewards because I decided to craft cards and/or get the Premium Battle Pass, and that's a real feel-bad for players.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    We're currently playing a "collectible card game" rather than a "trading card game" so even the name is now problematic.

    Try playing in another language then.

    The phrases mean the exact same thing. You can't just take a word out of a phrase like this. By this logic, the decks should be stored in pockets. POCKET monsters after all.

    But yes, we should be allowed to manually convert cards.

  • kot123456
    kot123456 Member Posts: 105 ✭✭✭
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    Crafting is a much faster and cheaper way of obtaining cards, they just need to give out more credits, or at least let us buy more packs (so that means more crystals given out) or a way to progress in the game that's not the battle pass. Profile level does nothing as coins are useless and the crystals it gives out are so low. Maybe a daily ladder like the one in PTCGO could work. But I still think crafting is better than trading. Of course if they let us trade ALONG with crafting or let us decompose cards that would be amazing.

  • darkness018
    darkness018 Member Posts: 35 ✭✭
    10 Comments First Anniversary Photogenic First Answer

    Only way they should add trading if they make it where u can only trade card for card for example one vstar u can trade only for one vstar so people can’t abuse trading packs like they did on online

  • skaerkrow
    skaerkrow Member Posts: 20 ✭✭
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Agrees 5 Likes

    Honestly i only used the trading term so much because at the moment there's literally no way to use my card resources to create other card resources.

    Everything about this game feels like it's been set up for an economy where cards can be de-crafted, except for an actual mechanic to do that. Reduced number of cards per pack feels like part of that, to avoid "flooding the meta", but when people have extensive collections that'd be inevitable anyway which might be why it's not implemented. I'd guess the devs are worried that everybody with pre-existing accounts would suddenly have access to the next couple of years worth of cards is threatening in some way even though the game isn't monetised at all. But then again the longer they wait to implement it the worse it gets because the chaff piles up more and more in everyones' collections lmao

    In Hearthstone, each legendary card trades for quarter of a new legendary card. In Master Duel, each card trades for a third of a new card of their rarity.

    I could absolutely see each card dusting for a quarter of its crafting cost in pokemon, or dusting for the crafting cost of the next rarity down for example. The sooner this and proper Expanded get implemented, the less it'll impact long-term. (Expanded is a credit-sink, there's no way to open the cards in boosters so it'd partly exist to pull credits out of the economy, leading to increased future investment in standard cards)

    Damn I rambled a ton, and I'm certain a bunch of my thoughts are just stupid, but I hope this is stuff that's worth discussing as a community and worth reading for the devs :)