Convinced this is just another rigged TCG
Was it EA that tried to patent the concept of matching players based on purchases?
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No, TCG doesn't have any micro transactions, at least not as far as I know. That's Pokemon Unite's department.
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Not me but everyone. Why would they specifically rig it against me? They rig it against everyone. People like you just live in denile because you don't want to believe it. It's like all the people who deny cheating in video games. No matter how much evidence is shown it's never enough. It's not even such an unusual concept sense any time money is involved, cheating is right there as well.
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It's well explained in a patent for rigging matchmaking for monetary gain.
They get money.
Psychological tricks can be used to make players think they just need to play more or purchase more in order to win.
Purchasing real packs and using codes to gain packs in the app.
It's the reason they stick codes in the packs. Incentive to purchase packs to use the codes online.
Nothing is free. Everything is rigged in the favor of those who control the system and can profit from it.
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The first part ok I agree, but the rest not really. They may not get the money directly (when you buy codes) but the codes come from "somewhere"… take a guess lol