Surging Sparks official preview: Pikachu ex (Tera)

This card was mentioned in "Scarlet & Violet—Surging Sparks" article on Its preview was also mentioned in "Get a Pokémon During the 2025 Latin America International Championships Livestream" on This card is now available in English and a few more languages.
What do you think about this card?
Honestly this is a pretty garbage card
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Unless you pile it up with energy and then blast through your opponents pokemon. But youd need a lot of energy in your deck
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The card does some decant damage so its that bad the bad part is the Ablilty 10 Hp? nah
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lol the card it's not super fantastic, but it's actually good… the HP is low but the ability compensates it and the attack is strong.
Are you forgetting about energy acceleration and recover energy from discard pile?
-There is the Electric Generator (for lightning energy);
-The new Magneton (accelerates any 3 basic energies from discard);
-Blissey ex combination with Glass Trumpet (attaches energy from discard to colorless Pokemon then Blissey it moves Pikachu);
-And of course the ACE SPEC Sparkling Crystal (that makes the attack cost 1 less energy).The ability avoids being KO, instead gets 10 HP, there is nothing bad about it… the opponent needs extra work to take it down.
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as a one of in Miraidon, maybe with one grass and metal energy, but that’s as far as it will go, besides, Dragapult and Hawlucha both demolish it.
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true.. but in my defense, Im new to the tcg so I dont know much about this stuff
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yes it is
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Guys I got this card (the normal version, not full art)