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Ban Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon Ex

Literally can't do anything against it. Can't damage it with cards in my deck and it deals 120 damage.

And don't say, "Just run x card" because that is not a good answer to this poorly designed card.

One, if x card is in my prize cards then I can't do anything.

Two, if the only way to deal with a card is to force running an unnatural card then the card is problematic.

There shouldn't be any cards that are automatically, "You can't do anything to this card because reasons that have no cost or downside."



  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    You think Manaphy it's a "natural" card in a Fire type deck? or Mewtwo ex PAR that can't even attack it's a "natural" card in a Miraidon ex deck? or even better rememeber Drapion V (vs Mew VMax)? could go on and on…

    The point is many cards are in decks just to serve a very specific purpose so the deck still can keep up with the meta dynamic nature… if you don't want to adapt to the meta and instead "just ban" cards that challenge your perfect deck you will keep losing more and more… Cornerstone it's not that good and will for sure never get banned.

    So adapt and keep up, or keep dreaming about cards that you don't like get banned… your choice.

  • Ccmay12
    Ccmay12 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    it’s a pretty average card tbh. I have it in my deck because it ends up being a net positive considering like 90% of online players rely on stacking their deck with cards that have an ability. The cost is that it takes forever to power up, and is easily taken out by cards like Dragapult EX, and rewards two prize cards to the opponent if I happen to come across someone who’s strategy doesn’t rely on abilities.

  • WolfOfRavens
    WolfOfRavens Member Posts: 17
    10 Comments 5 Agrees Name Dropper

    Tell me how Manaphy beats Cornerstone Mask? Don't worry, I'll wait...

    "Natural" cards being cards that aren't specific to just deal with any single card and meta warping cards like Cornerstone Mask should not exist because it's literally 1 card that shuts down multiple decks and forces them to run a specific card just to deal with it that doesn't work against literally anything else in the format.

    Plus adding cards to a 60 card deck just to deal with 1 card means removing other cards which naturally should be in the deck to deal with the total set of cards in the format.

    If my opponent runs Cornerstone Mask then it's just an automatic loss for my deck which currently beats the majority of the meta decks.

    It's a best of one format so it's not like I can sideboard and shift in cards specifically to deal with Cornerstone Mask when I come across it either.

    The ability is busted and should have never been printed in the first place.

  • Jadite
    Jadite Member Posts: 390 ✭✭✭
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    They never said manaphy beat it…

    If your deck beats most meta decks but not cornerstone, then womp womp. Either adapt or accept that it beats your deck.

    If you want to know how bad your argument is? Your deck being a deck that runs by abilities prevents other pokemon with abilities or attacks that block damage from attack, this, and I'll quote you here,

     "forces them to run a specific card just to deal with it that doesn't work against literally anything else in the format".

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Already explained all there is to say about your "ban Cornerstone" argument, if you are unable to understand I don't know how to explain it better, so nothing more I can help with here… good luck tho.

    Also what @Jadite said it's correct.

  • WolfOfRavens
    WolfOfRavens Member Posts: 17
    10 Comments 5 Agrees Name Dropper

    That's stupid. It's an instant concede and it's not a fair play. There is literally nothing to be done because it just stops me from playing the game.

    If cornerstone mask was the only deck then adapting to it wouldn't be a problem because then the meta would be half cornerstone mask and half a deck specifically designed to beat cornerstone mask.

    Since that's not a thing and never will be then I have to make a deck that beats the majority of the meta but should still be able to have a chance to beat every other deck in the format even though it's not specialized against it.

    Meaning, if cornerstone mask said "Only Basic Pokemon with Abilities" or "Flip a Coin: Activate ability" then it would be fair because it doesn't just straight up stop 88% of cards from being playable or requiring only luck from my end with no luck required by my opponent. Meaning, my cancel cologne cards are not sitting in the prize pool.

    Also, since specifically this thread is about Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon Ex and he brought up Manaphy it's easy to assume that he was trying to say that Manaphy beats Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon Ex. Why even bring it up?

    Manaphy only prevents direct attack damage to your benched Pokemon. I don't see how it relates to this conversation at all except for it, through some runic means, to negate Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon Ex's ability.

  • Jadite
    Jadite Member Posts: 390 ✭✭✭
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    I've said all I can say.

    My final words..

    Womp. Womp.

  • Neuvillete_
    Neuvillete_ Member Posts: 2
    Name Dropper First Comment

    An "instant concede"? Boss orders should be in your deck... moreover, there is no deck that can possibly win against every single other deck. You just have to accept that it wins. Cornerstone mask doesn't beat top decks like Terapagos or Regidrago. Moreover, did you forget about Mimikyu??? That's more of a hindrance, and it's just as easy to overcome. Either boss order it out, if you have duskull/other damage Counter pokemon, or just pokemon w/out abilities...