Opinions about Pokemon center plushies

i sometimes think: Yes, i wanna cuddle it to death! And sometimes i think: this absolutely does not look like the pokemon it’s used to be. What do you think? The biggest plushies are the best because they can be more detailed. But they are sooo expensive in the name of arceus and shiny bidoof…
I love the plushies especially the sitting cutie collection since that’s most of my plushies from Pokemon center (the other is a Sprigatito poke plush) I love them all and the only thing I really dislike is that we have to wait a few months for it to release on Pokemon center online after it releases in Japan
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Having never been to Japan and probably won't in my lifetime unless my financial fortunes change, I'll have to resort to online buying. If I were to get one, it'd probably be both Vulpix(Kanto + Alolan) and call it a day. I agree though that the bigger the plushie, the better it is. Unfortunately, the cost rises as well.
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Whether it be from Japan or korea, the plushes are big enough to be to scale for said pokemon.