Bug Report - Deck Lists are not the same in Desktop and Mobile

I play on a Windows PC and Google Pixel 6 Android. When I make a change to cards in a specific deck on the Pixel client the changes are not "transferred" over to the Desktop client. For example I have a Shadow Rider deck. On both I have 2 Zacian V. Then on Pixel I remove both Zacian V and add 2 Galarian Articuno. I exit out of mobile and go to desktop and logon. Desktop still shows 2 Zacian V. I have screenshots but if I try to add them here it will not allow the post to go through.
Hi @dgod40,
I've edited your post as posting images on the forum is not allowed, unfortunately. If you ever have images you'd like to share with support or the development team, I encourage you to open a ticket with our support team. To do so, here are some steps:
1-visit https://support.pokemon.com/
2-then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link.
3-From there, click "Contact Us".
Any feedback shared with the support team will also be relayed to the development team for review, so no need to worry. As for now, if you are having any other problems with this issue please let us know!
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Howdy, I wanted to corroborate that this bug still exists as of Dec 1st 2022. I logged onto the TCG Live app after playing on desktop and the changes I had made to decks on desktop did not show up in the app.