Feedback from a competitive player

Hi, I play competitively in the Pokemon TCG, and I think this client is not built for this need. In PTCGO, I can queue right now into the play section, and I will be paired with other players playing decks that are of similar skill expression, playing meta cards, and overall are generally really good at the game. I wish we had a rated system in PTCGO, and I'm glad live has that, It's fun to climb to master league, and I've enjoyed the journey there, but I do need to talk about how I'm getting there. I don't think getting to master league takes much skill, which is really sad, but because of how the game is set up at the moment, I think this is a problem.
1: THIS IS A MAJOR POINT. PLEASE MAKE AN ELO SYSTEM! I want to face people at my similar skill level who are playing the same way as me. I want to face people alone in my rank. I want to have a competitive experience at the highest level in this game, and it's really hard to do that when I can't queue into those people on the ranked mode. The image is an example of a typical game for me. My opponent is playing Shauna, and great ball. These 2 cards are not as good as the cards I am playing. They do not have much energy acceleration, and they took no prizes during my game. They are rated 630 in great league, and I am rated 1360 in ultra league. I do not think this person that I queued against had much fun either. I don't want free experience points, I want to work hard to get to master league and not have it be me beating a bunch of casuals 100 times. I don't think they have fun facing me who's playing at the most competitive level either. It's not a fun experience, and I would love for this to be fixed.
2: I sometimes randomly lose rating for winning a game. Sometimes this will happen. I start the queue into a match, I hit cancel to go eat or something, and then it cancels the queue, and I have the same rating as before. Then I play a match, the match doesn't start, nothing happens, my opponent surrenders, and I win the match, and it says I gained no rating, and my rating went down. This needs to be fixed if I want to have an actual competitive experience in this game instead of getting bugged out of my games.
3: Getting to master league should not be this annoying. Pokemon is a game designed where you do open bad hands sometimes. In order to progressively climb the ladder, in Ultra league, you have to win more than twice for each loss, because every win, you get 20 exp, and every loss you lose 40. If you are playing people at your skill level, this would be impossible to climb, however, because I'm playing people way below my skill level, this is possible, but I'm not happy with it. I want it to make be able to not need to win over 67% of my games against players of my skill level. I should be able to win 55% or even 60% times and still be able to reasonably climb the ladder.
Overall, please make this game compatible for competitive players. I want to enjoy this game, but these experiences do not make it that enjoyable, and honestly make playing on ptcglive not a good practice tool for entering in regional tournaments in real life. I practice using the old client, because that client actually has players at my skill level, so I get good experience. I understand if this is a problem with live not having enough volume of competitive players, and that is understandable. But ask why live doesn't have a volume of competitive players. I think it is because of all the bugs that exist in this client, people do not want to move over to this client because they want to have a good competitive experience, at the moment, it seems like the most competitive experience exists on ptcgo, and people will want to stay there as long as these problems are not fixed. Please listen to people who post on these forums, because we are not just upset because some technical issue. Most of us love the pokemon tcg, and want to play it, it's that we want to enjoy it, and it seems like there's nothing else to do than post hate here on the forums. Please fix this game, I love it to death, and I don't want to have to tell my friends when I introduce them to the new pokemon client that the developers don't fix any of the bugs, and the game is super wacky, and the emotes are all toxic. I want this game to be enjoyable and fun, please make it so.
- There will likely be a system to try to match people of closer skill together once the beta is over, but there isn’t enough of a player base right now. Need more people in the game or our match times could be obscene
- The losing ladder points thing is a known issue and will get fixed eventually, it’s just a bug currently
- You only need to win over 50% of your matches to climb the ladder. Yes, you might have to play quite a bit if you keep winning one and losing one, but I’ve been in Arceus League twice already, so it’s definitely possible with the current system. It’s not supposed to be easy, and I think it’s fine how it is.
As far as your point of “Ask why Live doesn’t have a volume of competitive players,” that one’s easy. Online’s player base was never more than 5000 people, and I’ve heard it’s as low as 3000. A lot of those people are still playing tournaments in Online, others are Expanded players, and others are just going to wait until the last moment because they like Online.
That’s why Live doesn’t have a “volume” enough for players to not get matched with people closer to their league. The game isn’t out yet, but just wait until it’s on the front page of the App Store 🤘🏻
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For your first point: In my first season playing I did play a few great ball/shauna decks, but nowadays I only play against arc dura, lost box, mew and lugia. very rarely (less than 10% of the time) I play something else, including like regis and eternatus or some form of control. I believe the whole experience is still being tuned. As we get more players in this will probably get better.
For your second point: it's a bug, lots of people talking about this. I just dropped 31 matches out of nowhere today. I hear people dropped them in the HUNDREDS. Hopeful for a fix soon, don't believe there will be reparations for them, though.
Your third point makes no sense since the game is win 20 lose 20 all the way to arceus where you go win 10 lose 10. Getting to Arceus League is nothing but a grind if you have over 50% win rate, so hidden MMR is definitely important as you mentioned.
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Ultra ball is still +20 for win, -20 if you lose.
If you're losing -40 in 1 game, is likely caused by the same bug that's making you not win points after a game.
The game sets you in 2 rooms at the same time, you play in one and you fail to connect in the other one. If you win, is +20 for winning, -20 for the room you failed to enter, for a total of 0 points. If you lose, is -20 for the game you lost, -20 for the other room, for a total of -40.