Deluxe bomb bug?

I was testing cards against the A.I. and using stellar crown Drifblim with a Deluxe Bomb and attacked; when it did, the 30 damage it does to itself activated the Deluxe Bomb attached to its self. The card says it activates when the opposing Pokémon attacks. Did I find a bug?
Yep, my opponent didnt attack me, Drifblim damaged itself with "Everyone Explode Now" and it activated.
0 -
This also triggered when I had Roaring Moon ex use Frenzied Gouging:
Turn # 5 - KanmeU's Turn
KanmeU drew Dark Patch.
KanmeU's Roaring Moon ex used Frenzied Gouging.- KanmeU's Roaring Moon ex took 200 damage.
guh094's Charizard ex was Knocked Out! - 3 cards were discarded from guh094's Charizard ex.
• Basic Fire Energy, Basic Fire Energy, Charmander
KanmeU's Roaring Moon ex was Knocked Out! - 3 cards were discarded from KanmeU's Roaring Moon ex.
• Basic Darkness Energy, Basic Darkness Energy, Basic Darkness Energy
Roaring Moon ex was activated. - KanmeU put 12 damage counters on KanmeU's Roaring Moon ex.
- Deluxe Bomb was discarded from KanmeU's Roaring Moon ex.
guh094 took 2 Prize cards.
KanmeU took 2 Prize cards.
A card was added to guh094's hand.
PokéStop was added to KanmeU's hand.
A card was added to guh094's hand.
Pal Pad was added to KanmeU's hand.
All Prize cards taken. KanmeU wins.
0 - KanmeU's Roaring Moon ex took 200 damage.
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