Rate My Deck

I need help making my deck. I'm trying to make a competitive deck since I'm now getting into the game competitively.
Pokemon - 19
4 Charmander - Paldean Fates 7/91
2 Charmeleon - Paldean Fates 8/91
2 Charizard ex - Paldean Fates 54/91
1 Charizard ex - Scarlet and Violet 6/165
4 Roaring Moon ex - Paradox Rift 124/182
1 Roaring Moon - Temporal Forces 109/162
1 Yveltal - Shrouded Fable 35/64
1 Purrloin - Paradox Rift 114/182
1 Liepard - Paradox Rift 115/182
1 Charcadet - Paldean Fates 14/91
1 Armarouge - Paldean Fates 15/91
Trainer - 21
4 Dark Patch - Astral Radiance 139/189
1 Exp. Share - Scarlet and Violet 174/198
4 Earthen Vessel - Paradox Rift 163/182
2 Area Zero Underdepths - Stellar Crown 131/142
1 Colress' Tenacity - 131/142
1 Arezu - Lost Origins 153/196
2 Capturing Aroma - Silver Tempest 153/195
3 Cynthia's Ambition - Brilliant Stars 138/179
1 Choice Belt - Paldea Evolved 176/193
2 Collapsed Stadium - Brilliant Stars 137/179
Energy - 20
2 Double Turbo Energy - Brilliant Stars 151/179
9 Dark Energy
9 Fire Energy
In my opinion I rate it very low, here is why (please see it as positive criticism):
-You don't have any bench protection and many low hp Pokemon, that opens the way for your opponent to take multi pizes with Radiant Greninja and others.
-Your draw engine based on a single copy of a stage 1 seems to be very fragile, you need to find fast if you can't setup it early it's a liability.
-You don't have a single switch card, making your starter Pokemon crucial, and your opponent can lock you with one of those 2 retreat cost Pokemon.
-And Collapsed Stadium together with Area Zero Underdepths it's kind of confusing, I don't see the benefit of having 8 Pokemon with this deck and reduce it to 4.
-Not having any Ace Spec it's criminal, they are too powerful to ignore, if you don't know witch to use go Prime Catcher can never go wrong with it.
-Also you don't have any gusting card, your opponent can feed you whatever they want.
2 -
A bit too much pokemon