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Can't rank up and losing rank after winning battles

Come on...

What is going on with this game? How is it possible for such base-level features to be so utterly broken?

My ranking, like many others, plummets after wins, or changing decks. This game is absolutely broken and the people behind it should be absolutely ashamed of themsleves.


  • Retorex
    Retorex Member Posts: 6
    Photogenic First Comment First Answer

    Imagine breaking the core feature of your whole game, god. Couldn't be me, folks. 💀

  • kot123456
    kot123456 Member Posts: 108 ✭✭✭
    5 LOLs 100 Comments 25 Likes First Anniversary

    There seems to be a bug that keeps matching you until you quit the client if you canceled a match. That seems like it I think. I dont know how it got through testing (or if there is testing at all) but TPCi needs to keep up with all the bugs quick. I dont want to play in a client that is going to sunset just to play ranked.

  • Monk_Kem
    Monk_Kem Member Posts: 4
    First Comment First Anniversary

    found the same bug losses 300 rank point instantly

    also show losses stat +100

    how they come ???