This game its a garbage - DO NOT MIGRATE ACCOUNTS!

Be aware of migrating your accounts from Pokemon TCGO into this game.
Since i moved i wasnt able to play single match. Every time Item cards shows at the start of the game
they simply stuck and nothing its happening (MewV deck, Zacian & Zamazaneta deck and so on)!
Also i cant test mine decks - after clicking at "Test Deck" in Decks menu pokeball icon keeps spin infinite....
The emeny avatars dont even render at all.
I know its beta - but after two weeks i cant play the game - horrible....
The sad thing i cant get back to TCGO with i liked....
Looks like devs abandon this game.
I feel your pain. I should of waited. See if it works on another device. My Android and Mac it runs bad, but it's been pretty good on my PC.
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@DefHalan Twice.
@Brandonusofa Future will show...
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I wish I waited, there's no trading or anything right?
Its honestly so so bad.
So, no trading isn't much of an issue, but can't you exchange cards you don't want or need? Surely you should be able to, say I have 4 alt art copies of a card and 4 standard copies, allow me to exchange the 4 normal copies.. It dumb tbh.
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Well soon u ain’t going to have any choice if u want to play the new set cuz it’s only going to be on live ptcgo stops getting the new cards
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@ElyVanHouten I am hoping the issues you are having is because of the beta version. Once it goes live, I do hope it resolves any issues. I play on my tablet, so I haven’t encountered too many issues (just one where I couldn’t move energy card when I was supposed to be able to).
@MrRiingo I do agree with @darkness018 , once PTCGL moves out of beta, you are going to have to make a difficult choice. Play on PTCGL or not play at all. I do hope you also keep in mind it’s just the beginning. The developers stated the purpose of switching was to add more features in the future. Features that PTCGO was unable to handle.
Let’s just keep our fingers crossed and see what the future holds.