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Which one of these Pokémon is the best 4

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Which one of these Pokémon is the best 4 10 votes

30% 3 votes
Iron Boulder
0% 0 votes
30% 3 votes
10% 1 vote
20% 2 votes
10% 1 vote


  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 2,778 ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 Agrees 50 Answers 250 Likes 100 LOLs

    two legendarys 1 paradox a starter final evolution and smart bug I choose the one who knows karate

  • PokemiiAC
    PokemiiAC Member Posts: 794 ✭✭
    25 Likes 5 Answers 500 Comments 25 LOLs

    my dot boi

  • MonstaDash
    MonstaDash Member Posts: 125 ✭✭
    100 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper 5 Agrees

    the regis names are fun to yell… but i voted entei cause the dog trio rocks