Avatar animations during battle should be removed.

Might just be me but the amount of people using troll/stall decks love spamming those animations and truth be told, the avatars are not pleasing to look at. It gets really annoying, specially as someone who needs to concentrate, having a little screen with an annoying animation popping over and over and over is just frustrating. The amount of serious trainers who use it towards the end of the game just to give a gg thumbs up is too small anyway.
Hello Kokonatzu420, Thank you for your feedback! Please let us know if you have any other suggestions.
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Strongly disagree. The previous app had the ability to chat with others, prior to removal. There will always be people out there looking to sour your day however possible, that's life. Do not base your mood on whether or not you win an anonymous game of Pokemon with a random stranger you will never meet.
If anything, make it an option to receive/give the animations, but do not remove it for all.
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It would be fine with me if they just remove it, but to have the option to hide would be great too... who would guess that there's people that like to look at those things.
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I'm just glad the developers are spending so much time on avatars and avatar clothing, and leaving fundamental gameplay mechanics broken. I need to see a toxic end-game animation after I have to concede because the game froze.
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This is something that I agree with to a certain extent, it SHOULD be an opt-in thing but we also need better ways to deal with things like AFK-ers (if you’ve won a match via your opponent remaining inactive for too long, especially if they were playing normally earlier, then you’ve experienced one) that discourages that kind of behavior.
Then there’s the issue of TPCi flat-out refusing to deal with toxic behavior unless spit hits the fan, if the rumors are true about what it took to remove Online’s in-match chat (TL;DR -it took one family’s heartbreaking experience involving their child being constantly exposed to said toxic behavior and them threatening to sue TPCi over the traumatizing results of said toxic behavior) then someone would have to move mountains AND MORE to get TPCi to remove the current emotes and end match animations.
And yes, this is in DIRECT response to this one of the mods using a canned chat response.