I'm thinking about doing a new bracket

im thinking of doing a pokemon music bracket I've been slowly making a list and I'm curious what songs would you like to see in this bracket (Mainline or Spinoff)
Best Answers
Battle! (Zacian/Zamazenta), Pokemon Theme Song (from the cartoon), Route 216 (Day), Battle! (Zinnia), Battle! (Gladion).
Also one that is unrelated but still great is Destination from Judgment.
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Dialga's Fight to The Finish (from PMDE)
Emma's theme
N's Farewell
N's Castle
Undella Town
Through The Sea of Time (from PMDE)
In The Hands of Fate (from PMDE)
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Pokemon Centers Theme
Relic Song (BW)
Accumula Town (BW)
Driftveil City (BW)
Reshiram Battle (Poke Park 2)
Partners Theme (SMD)
Lumious City (XY)
Cynthia's Theme (DPPt)
Looker's Theme (XY)
Slumbering Wealds (SwSh)
Paradise (final version) (PMD GTI)
Dance Inferno (Pokepark 2)
Don't Ever Forget (PMD Explorers)
Memories Returned (PMD Explorers)
Onward, Expedition Society (SMD)
Dark Matter Battle, Phase 2 (SMD)
Go Rock Quad's Theme (Rangers)
Pallet Town (RBY)
Lavender Town (RBY)
Title Screen (Mainline Games)
Run Away, Fugitives (PMD Rescue Team)
Wigglytuff's Guild (PMD Explorers)
Hearthome City (DP)
Mirror B. Battle (XD Gale of Darkness)
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Battle! (Dialga/Palkia)
so I'm thinking of actually doing this I'm planning to do 160 songs (first round 5 songs will go against each other for each match then following rounds it will just continue like all other brackets) After including all your recommandations along with a few of my own brings the total up to 37 songs (I will post list of songs i included that were not mentioned by others to prevent repeats)
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There's only 1 problem for what you planned: How can we (including newbies) listen to them?