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Post TCG Pocket Q&A

Eremas Member Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭✭
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Some news on TCG Pocket

  • There will be no Ranked mode
  • You can buy packs but you will get one free pack every 12 hours. You can only hold a maximum of two if you don't collect them instantly or after you hold two.
  • To buy packs you will need in game currency. Its $0.99 for 5, $9.99 for 50+7 and $99.99 for 500+190. ~$1.20 a booster pack.
  • There will be a way to get a free card but not sure how often(maybe once a day). The game will show you an open booster pack and you can accept to pull a card from it. If you accept the cards will be put face down and shuffled. Giving you a 20% chance if you only needed one card.
  • It will not be on PC or Switch.
  • This is a new game with only a 20 card deck. You can have a maximum of 2 of any select card. If you play the pokemon TCG, there will be no prizes. You play to win 3 points. 1 point for a regular pokemon KO and 2 points for a KO on an EX. Energy will be separated from your deck of cards and you get one per turn(if you run more than one type it will be randomized). Meaning your deck of cards will only draw you pokemon or trainers or items.
  • Cards like PokeBall or Professor Oak will be true to their TCG effects but be slightly changed. I.e. PokeBall won't be find but instead draw a random pokemon for you.
  • AUTO BATTLES: if you don't want to or don't know how then there will be an auto battle system. I have not tested it but I hear it's great.
  • There will be daily tasks like: win a battle or battle 3 times. You can auto battle to complete them.


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Out of interest, what is your source on this information?

    There will be no Ranked mode

    Maybe that will change if the format proves popular enough.

    It will not be on PC or Switch.

    Shame. These games are so much easier to play on mouse and keyboard. Again, if it proves popular, that may change.

    If you play the pokemon TCG, there will be no prizes. You play to win 3 points. 1 point for a regular pokemon KO and 2 points for a KO on an EX.

    This sounds good. I have always thought that the Pokémon prize card system had a tendency to snowball.

    Energy will be separated from your deck of cards and you get one per turn(if you run more than one type it will be randomized). Meaning your deck of cards will only draw you pokemon or trainers or items.

    This I am less certain about. New formats, or even new card games based on games with in-deck resources, often take this step to "fix" the resource system, removing variance and increasing consistency in the process. Sure, no one is left without playable cards but it removes some of the skill from deck building and often makes strong decks even stronger, rather than propping up weaker, less consistent decks.

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,607 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    The game focus it's clearly the card collection, so opening packs it's a core part, the trade will allow more interaction with players, then the playing part will help keep things more interesting (I see it as a mimi-game inside the actual game) but in a month will see how it feals.

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭✭
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    @TheJeffers I follow a person that has covered the Pokemon games for a long time.

    And yes Ranked will probably most likely be added at some point. But there won't be one at the start. Which I like because it promotes the collecting part and won't require me to get all the cards at once to have a good time.

  • PokemiiAC
    PokemiiAC Member Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭
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    What do you like?

    Pokemon: Money!

    Why did you make this game


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @Eremas Who are they? What is their source? Have they played the game themselves, or are they talking to developers or someone who has?

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭✭
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    The Pokemon Company international paid for their flight to New York where they got to play it and there was a panel where the people making the game answered questions(screened questions).

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭✭
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    Pkmncast. They're pretty famous. Their pokemon podcast is like 600 episodes deep.

  • Rossko25
    Rossko25 Member Posts: 14
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    as a players perspective this is laughable. Why don't they just make battle academy a format? But hey, if they want to gouge people for NFTs, be my guest. The cards are way prettier on cardboard anyways. I suppose it makes the game more accessible but if a 5 year old can figure out the actual tcg, im sure casual people can

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    These cards will be a bit more reliable than NFTs, given that there is actually a centralising authority that recognises your ownership of them and they actually correspond to ownership of the card...

    Until the server shuts down, anyway.

    But all of this is equally true of TCG Live.

    At least they cannot take paper cards away from you. Buy games physically. Card, video or otherwise.

  • Rossko25
    Rossko25 Member Posts: 14
    10 Comments First Answer Name Dropper

    yeah I am always a physical media person so I get that. It just reminds me of fortnite skins and other micro-transactions, paying real money for a non-tangible thing. That's my biggest gripe with pokemon go tbh. Good for those that are into it but what is the point of buying something if it can be taken away at any point via a glitch, or server shut-shut-down? You arent buying it, you are renting it at that point. Physical Media all the way!