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TM Devolution Error

I just used TM Devolution on turn 6 of a battle. My opponent's board state was the following: 2 rare candied Charizards; 1 rare candied Pidgeot; 1 Charmeleon; 1 Pidgeotto; 1 Manaphy.

It devolved everything except for the Charmeleon. It started to make the animation like it was going to, but then it just skipped it (Charizard players, go figure).

This is now the 2nd time this has happened. Both times the Charmeleon didn't devolve.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,871 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Read the Charmeleon's Ability next time, please. It protects it from effects of attacks.

  • Darkblaze65
    Darkblaze65 Member Posts: 4
    Name Dropper First Comment

    @TechHog my apologies, you are correct. It did not occur to me that Evolution/Devolution was an "attack." I'm still pretty new, so I'm learning these things. Thank you.

  • FoldUpWall5
    FoldUpWall5 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    I used the Devolution card on my opponent as well- they had a Charmeleon, (1) rare candied Pidgeot, and (1) rare candied Charizard, and a evolved Dusclops but only the Charizard was devolved…can you explain what happened here??

  • Jadite
    Jadite Member Posts: 390 ✭✭✭
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    The best way to tell if anything is an attack is if it needs any source of energy for it, good luck with your future matches!

    (also, on the card it says the pokemon it is attached to "can use this attack".. It's a weird card lol)