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TCG live download

Is there a way to permanently downloaded whatever it is that gets downloaded every time I use Live?I'm tired of sorting there waiting for it to do that every time I use the app. It also has to do it again if my screen goes off while using the app. I feel like there should be a way to avoid this


  • Jadite
    Jadite Member Posts: 390 ✭✭✭
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    What device are you on and how often do you play?

  • Player7259
    Player7259 Member Posts: 2
    First Answer First Comment

    I play on PC. When I open the game, it show a loading of 0/44 to start the game. I think it is loading instead downloading. Maybe what you see is same with me?

  • Jadite
    Jadite Member Posts: 390 ✭✭✭
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    Yes, each time you load it, I believe it has to download the assets (including new players) or mini-updates from the main server. It is a common thing with any online games.

    I don't play TCG Live but I know based of my knowledge of other games that this is very common.

    Glad I could be of help!