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How to fix the current broken match making system?

Nitex1337 Member Posts: 16
5 Agrees 10 Comments First Anniversary

Any ideas?? It's pretty much ruining the game and killing it...


  • HGemini93
    HGemini93 Member Posts: 92 ✭✭
    First Answer Name Dropper 5 Likes 5 LOLs

    How so? Can you elaborate please.

  • HGemini93
    HGemini93 Member Posts: 92 ✭✭
    First Answer Name Dropper 5 Likes 5 LOLs

    Ah never mind, after playing some more I see where the problem lies… Trolls, there be trolls everywhere! What’s even more annoying is how many times others have ruined a ranked match for me just by horsing around and not taking it seriously😑