Genome Hacking not copying Ghost Eye

In a recent match, I used Mew ex "Genome Hacking" attack against a Mimikyu with the "Safeguard" ability and copied the Ghost Eye attack which should have placed seven damage counters on the Mimikyu. However, it did nothing. I looked in the known issues list and didn't see anything. Is this an ongoing issue, or am I just missing something? Thanks!
Probably Mimikyu had Mist Energy attached?
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I do believe in this case, ghost eye, being used by the Mew ex, is trying to damage the mimikyu. Due to the ability of safeguard, the damage is blocked, not because the attack particularly has any attack power, but because the attack's effect causes damage to the mimikyu. Mimikyu's safeguard ability blocks any "Damage" done the pokemon by attacks and in this case, the mew ex is damaging the mimikyu.
(I might be wrong, please correct me if i am)
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We have no proof it's Mist Energy, I'll admit I'm wrong if they confirm the Mist Energy. Otherwise, I'll make this argument:
Is. Damage. Being. Done. To. The. Pokemon.The answer is yes, meaning Safeguard blocks it.
Your argument of it being an effect is flawed. What causes the damage to the pokemon is the effect of the attack. By proxy, the pokemon is being damaged by an attack.
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@Jadite sory but that it's incorrect, Mew ex can KO Mimikyu using "Genome Hacking", because placing damage counters it's an effect, not damage from an attack.
Mew ex it's actually a nice counter to Mimikyu, I have used it several times giving me the W...
Mist energy is the most likely thing they used to stop Mew ex indeed.