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Toxicity in the game


There is no way to report offensive nicknames and unsporting behaviour like slow playing every move when losing or using hostile avatar face.

Plus, most of the winning poses are very unmodest, promoting a behaviour that is not what Play Pokémon should promote.

For slowplay, the play timer should for exemple decrease each time the player make the countdown appear.


  • OU7C4ST
    OU7C4ST Member Posts: 29 ✭✭
    10 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Agrees Photogenic

    Take a screenshot of the offending username, and send in a support ticket to: support.pokemon.com

  • bowserjr130
    bowserjr130 Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    I mad a charmander and frids deck and I want a fair fight no over powerd cards I play tcgo and I had far fights with other players and vemax pokemon I don own I only have a few

  • bowserjr130
    bowserjr130 Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    No v cards play fair to all players who do own alot of the v cards