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Opponent has no timer



  • trainer_rowsey
    trainer_rowsey Member Posts: 1
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    Yep darkar was doing it too, even smile emoji after 5 min

  • ShadowAce007
    ShadowAce007 Member Posts: 3
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    I'm still experiencing this bug. I thought they fixed it.....

  • DanBonehill
    DanBonehill Member Posts: 3
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    Also in a game right now where this is happening, player Scheddel hasn't made any actions on turn 2 and I've now been waiting 15 minutes for a timeout. It's unfair that it appears I have to concede, take the loss and this person will 'advance' in the ladder. There really is no point in playing right now if this is a common occurrence.

  • BoredApe
    BoredApe Member Posts: 2
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    Opponent hasnt made a move in 10 mins. Needs to be a time limit on every move, but allow more time for deck searches 15-20 seconds feels rushed (cause the timers pops up) when you need to look through the entire deck to see what's not prized.

  • 20fifthBAM
    20fifthBAM Member Posts: 1
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    This just happened to me too. Opponent timer ran out on an Elsa Sparkle, waited for 16min until the their full game timer went out. Even at 0:00 timer the game did nothing and I had was forced to quit the program, which ended up in a loss.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    @DanBonehill I'm pretty sure that these people aren't abusing and both players end up losing actually.

  • Chicoz76
    Chicoz76 Member Posts: 12
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    These trash people playing the Mew Vmax deck should be banned or the devs drop lists with it until they figure it out. Someone got matched up with the same guy twice now. Between matchmaking and bugs I want my old account back.

  • cr1p
    cr1p Member Posts: 8
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    I love how support team just keeps saying, "Sorry for the inconvenience".

  • rgilbert90
    rgilbert90 Member Posts: 4
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  • rgilbert90
    rgilbert90 Member Posts: 4
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    Been sitting here since forever. Apparently this issue is not gonna be fixed? Yet my "hurry up" timer came up just before this.