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Dark patch crashing the game


Recently, first time having this issue today.

Out of 20 games, and around 40 uses of the card dark patch.
3 of those froze the game. I couldn't do anything and just wait for the timeout to end my turn…
The freeze happens after I drag one of the energy to my pokemon, before the dark patch is sent to the discard.

I don't know if something else would interact with the dark patch to cause the bug only 3 out of 40 uses.


  • Mod_Bee
    Mod_Bee Moderator Posts: 696 mod
    500 Comments 25 LOLs 5 Answers 25 Likes
    edited September 2024 #2

    Hi @magestik25, thanks for reaching out and reporting this issue. We appreciate the detailed information regarding the game freezes and crashes when using Dark Patch. Our support team can investigate further to ensure the best game play experience. Please submit a ticket to them at support.pokemon.com, click on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and then hit "Contact Us" to provide all the details. Thanks!