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On multiple occasions now the math is incorrect

It feels like haft the time I add items and energies to my active Pokémon that add to the Pokémon’s attack power none of it gets taken into account while doing the attack. If my lugia has a choice belt and 4 powerful energies it shouldn’t only be hitting at 220 when my opponent has just an active Pokémon and nothing on the bench. I have lost many games now due to incorrect math and it’s starting to feel unplayable and frustrating. Has anyone else had this?


  • Alphaia_CORP
    Alphaia_CORP Member Posts: 21
    Photogenic 5 Agrees First Comment

    I have also experienced this issue but with different Pokemon.

  • Wiselugia
    Wiselugia Member Posts: 9
    Second Anniversary First Answer First Comment

    Choice Belt only applies against Pokémon-V in the first place, so if the target is anything besides that, it won't work. Certain effects, such as that of Tool Jammer, can also block it outright even against applicable targets.

    Temple of Sinnoh is played relatively often in competitive decks, and it's one example of an effect that can shut off the bonus from Powerful Energy.

    Be on the lookout for factors like this while you play. I've personally never encountered incorrect math in Live. In fact, the automatic calculation performed by the app has frequently saved me from committing to misplays.