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Your Shiny Fails

Once Upon a Time a shiny Graveler ran away from me in Let's go.

What are some of your times when you failed a shiny?


  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 2,707 ✭✭✭✭✭
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  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 2,707 ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 Agrees 50 Answers 250 Likes 100 LOLs

    I’ve actually never had a shiny fail that I know of though there is a chance that I just didn’t know about one in violet but if I didn’t know about it would it count as a shiny fail because I didn’t fail it if I didn’t know it existed

  • WildWorld1996
    WildWorld1996 Member Posts: 50
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    The first (and fortunately only) time I know I failed to catch a Shiny was in the Terarium, where I found a Shiny Tentacool. The only problem was that I was using the Synchro Machine… It despawned when I exited the Synchro Machine. However, about 5 minutes later, I found a Shiny Crabrawler, and I also found 3 other Shiny Pokémon within the next 2 hours, those being Luvdisc, Tentacruel, and Charcadet. The only odds-boosting I had that day were the Shiny Charm, and for Charcadet, Mass Outbreak, 0 defeated. So it was all good in the end.

  • Candy0_o
    Candy0_o Member Posts: 225 ✭✭
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    My first shiny actually was traveler. But my shiny fail was a wall shiny. It was voltorb. And I think maybe tastuguri.

  • Eevee_Eliana
    Eevee_Eliana Member Posts: 12
    10 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper

    I “weakened” a shiny Zweilous by using a super effective moonblast. It died. I WAS LIKE 10 ALRIGHT!!

  • Lightpikachu123
    Lightpikachu123 Member Posts: 36
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    Shiny golett. I didn't realize until I ran. I even heard the shiny sound.