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Zacian V bug or feature?

TheInfested Member Posts: 1

I just played someone using Zacian V and the move Brave Blade  (230). During your next turn, this Pokemon can't attack. The player possibly found a way around it; what they did was they used Brave blade, I make my move; when it was their turn again, they retreated Zacian V, put in Zamazenta, then used a card to change Zamazenta out, and put back in the same Zacian V, and be able to use Brave Blade again that same turn, the turn he wasn't supposed to be able to attack.

Is this a bug or a feature? It seems he could get around the wait when the same Zacian V attacked the turn before.


  • AstroPKMs
    AstroPKMs Member Posts: 5
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    That is how it is supposed to work. Not a bug.

  • popsuperstar
    popsuperstar Member Posts: 3
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    Switching out an active Pokémon resets any effects on that Pokémon. This includes status conditions like poison, burn, paralysis, and effects from moves like Brave Blade.

  • BunnySauce
    BunnySauce Member Posts: 52 ✭✭
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    Intended feature of the Pokemon TCG. Sending a pokemon to bench removes all effects from the pokemon, such as the "can't attack next turn effect". This also works on removing buff effects from Pokemon, such as flying pikachu vmax's immunity to damage from basic pokemon from its Max Balloon attack, or goodra vstar's 80 damage reduction from its Rolling Iron attack.

  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 863 ✭✭✭✭
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    Evolving it into Zacian VSTAR and using memory capsule will also reset the effects on it and allow it to use brave blade

  • AnimeBandsOtaku
    AnimeBandsOtaku Member Posts: 1
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    Just had this happen to me and I feel like it's such an OP work around that can make new players (like myself) frustrated and/or angry.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    This has been an intended mechanic since base set.

  • noriLOXic
    noriLOXic Member Posts: 27
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    @AnimeBandsOtaku This will be a difficult game to play if you cannot manage your frustration. Most TCGs have strict rulesets that usually takes some time to learn. All the terms on the card must be as precise as possible or it won't play right. I treat every game like a learning opportunity, so when something confuses me, I get curious instead of furious lol

    If you think Zacian V's Brave Blade is OP, you haven't seen some of the other cards yet.....