Pokémon Starters Sinnoh favorite

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@Tacolaser I picked him the first time I played Diamond. (Actually the only time I played Diamond. Platinum replaced the originals completely.) In Platinum I picked Piplup for a bit of variety. But these days Turtwig is my favourite.
At the time I tended to favour fire starters. I picked Charmander in Leaf Green and Torchic in Ruby, the games immediately preceeding it. And given the limited number of fire types in Sinnoh, Chimchar can help balance the types in your team early on.
But I guess the design really isn't that popular. Piplup by comparison seems to have a really cute and appealing design. Even people not into Pokémon buy Piplup merchandise. And its exposure in the anime probably helped too. Its final evolution is also decent.
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@Tacolaser Lol same
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Poor Chimchar
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Turtwig is adorable. I got it as my Pokémon from the quiz the first time I played PMD and it has been a special Pokémon for me ever since that happened.
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hes cool