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I’ve had this deck for awhile, any thoughts and opinions on it?

It’s built around Mimikyu Vmax

Pokemon - 16

Mimikyu V x4

Mimikyu Vmax x4

Indeedee V x4

Enamorus x2

Espeon V x 1

Espeon Vmax x 1

Trainers - 25

Acerola’s Premonition x4

Beauty x2

Miss Fortune Sisters x2

Adventurer’s Discovery x1

Marnie x3

Arven x2

Big Charm x2

Fog Crystal x4

Altar of the Moone x3

Energy - 19

Psychic x14

Double Colorless x3

Horror Psychic x2


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    1st thing I notice it's no draw engine you rely only on your supporters, also no single prizes and no gusting...

    With current meta fast aggressive decks I think your deck got too many easy targets, by the time you're set up you probably 2 prizes behind and disrupting your hand may not be hard.

    I don't think going heavy on VMax Pokemon it's a good ideia now.

  • PokemiiAC
    PokemiiAC Member Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭
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    decks are not just rule box Pokemon, imagine if someone uses path to the peak?!?!

  • CoolioSsigma
    CoolioSsigma Member Posts: 9
    Name Dropper First Comment

    super outdated