Giratina V unlimited Vstar power

Not sure what happen, but Giratina V can keep using Vstar power (Star Requiem), and the Vstar token still not yet flip.
Below are the battle logs.
yangpogo2 chose tails for the opening coin flip.
yangpogo2 won the coin toss.
yangpogo2 decided to go first.
yangpogo2 drew 7 cards for the opening hand.
- 7 drawn cards.
• Basic Lightning Energy, Crushing Hammer, Basic Lightning Energy, Judge, Giovanni's Charisma, Professor's Research, Professor's Research
OhJeevesy drew 7 cards for the opening hand. - 7 drawn cards.
yangpogo2 took a mulligan. - Cards revealed from Mulligan 1
• Basic Lightning Energy, Crushing Hammer, Basic Lightning Energy, Judge, Giovanni's Charisma, Professor's Research, Professor's Research
yangpogo2 took 2 mulligans. - Cards revealed from Mulligan 2
• Penny, Crushing Hammer, Future Booster Energy Capsule, Basic Lightning Energy, Boss's Orders, Lost Vacuum, Colress's Tenacity
OhJeevesy drew 2 more cards because yangpogo2 took at least 1 mulligan. - OhJeevesy drew 2 cards.
yangpogo2 played Iron Thorns ex to the Active Spot.
OhJeevesy played Iron Leaves ex to the Active Spot.
Turn # 1 - yangpogo2's Turn
yangpogo2 drew Pokémon Catcher.
yangpogo2 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
yangpogo2 ended their turn.
Turn # 1 - OhJeevesy's Turn
OhJeevesy drew a card.
OhJeevesy played Artazon to the Stadium spot.
OhJeevesy played Artazon.
- OhJeevesy drew Comfey and played it to the Bench.
- OhJeevesy shuffled their deck.
OhJeevesy played Colress's Experiment. - OhJeevesy drew 3 cards.
- OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's 2 cards to the Lost Zone.
• Cramorant, Comfey
OhJeevesy attached Jet Energy to Comfey on the Bench.
Jet Energy was activated. - OhJeevesy's Comfey was switched with OhJeevesy's Iron Leaves ex to become the Active Pokémon.
OhJeevesy's Comfey is now in the Active Spot.
OhJeevesy's Comfey used Flower Selecting. - OhJeevesy drew a card.
- OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's Buddy-Buddy Poffin to the Lost Zone.
OhJeevesy played Comfey to the Bench.
OhJeevesy retreated Comfey to the Bench. - Jet Energy was discarded from OhJeevesy's Comfey.
OhJeevesy's Comfey is now in the Active Spot.
OhJeevesy's Comfey used Flower Selecting. - OhJeevesy drew a card.
- OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's Basic Grass Energy to the Lost Zone.
OhJeevesy ended their turn.
Turn # 2 - yangpogo2's Turn
yangpogo2 drew Crushing Hammer.
yangpogo2 attached Double Turbo Energy to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
yangpogo2 played Lost City to the Stadium spot.
- OhJeevesy discarded Artazon.
yangpogo2 played Judge. - yangpogo2 shuffled 4 cards into their deck.
• Colress's Tenacity, Pokégear 3.0, Pokémon Catcher, Crushing Hammer - yangpogo2 moved yangpogo2's 10 cards to their deck.
- yangpogo2 drew 4 cards.
• Pokégear 3.0, Pokémon Catcher, Energy Loto, Techno Radar - yangpogo2 drew 4 cards.
yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex used Volt Cyclone on OhJeevesy’s Comfey for 120 damage.
OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's Comfey to the Lost Zone.
OhJeevesy's Comfey is now in the Active Spot.
yangpogo2 took a Prize card.
Giovanni's Charisma was added to yangpogo2's hand.
Turn # 2 - OhJeevesy's Turn
OhJeevesy drew a card.
OhJeevesy's Comfey used Flower Selecting.
- OhJeevesy drew a card.
- OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's Basic Psychic Energy to the Lost Zone.
OhJeevesy played Comfey to the Bench.
OhJeevesy played Nest Ball. - OhJeevesy drew Giratina V and played it to the Bench.
- OhJeevesy shuffled their deck.
OhJeevesy attached Basic Psychic Energy to Comfey in the Active Spot.
OhJeevesy retreated Comfey to the Bench. - Basic Psychic Energy was discarded from OhJeevesy's Comfey.
OhJeevesy's Comfey is now in the Active Spot.
OhJeevesy's Comfey used Flower Selecting. - OhJeevesy drew a card.
- OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's Super Rod to the Lost Zone.
OhJeevesy ended their turn.
Turn # 3 - yangpogo2's Turn
yangpogo2 drew Professor's Research.
yangpogo2 played Energy Loto.
- yangpogo2 drew Basic Lightning Energy.
- yangpogo2 shuffled their deck.
yangpogo2 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
yangpogo2 played Techno Radar. - yangpogo2 discarded Pokégear 3.0.
- yangpogo2 drew 2 cards.
• Iron Thorns ex, Iron Thorns ex - yangpogo2 shuffled their deck.
yangpogo2 played Iron Thorns ex to the Bench.
yangpogo2 played Iron Thorns ex to the Bench.
yangpogo2 played Professor's Research. - yangpogo2 discarded 2 cards.
• Pokémon Catcher, Giovanni's Charisma - yangpogo2 drew 7 cards.
• Professor's Research, Colress's Tenacity, Future Booster Energy Capsule, Double Turbo Energy, Pokémon Catcher, Boss's Orders, Basic Lightning Energy
yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex used Volt Cyclone on OhJeevesy’s Comfey for 120 damage. - yangpogo2 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex on the Bench.
OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's Comfey to the Lost Zone.
OhJeevesy's Comfey is now in the Active Spot.
yangpogo2 took a Prize card.
Earthen Vessel was added to yangpogo2's hand.
Turn # 3 - OhJeevesy's Turn
OhJeevesy drew a card.
OhJeevesy played Counter Catcher.
- yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex was switched with yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex to become the Active Pokémon.
yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex is now in the Active Spot.
OhJeevesy's Comfey used Flower Selecting. - OhJeevesy drew a card.
- OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's Mirage Gate to the Lost Zone.
OhJeevesy played Mirage Gate. - OhJeevesy attached Basic Grass Energy to Giratina V on the Bench.
- OhJeevesy attached Basic Psychic Energy to Giratina V on the Bench.
- OhJeevesy shuffled their deck.
OhJeevesy attached Jet Energy to Giratina V on the Bench.
Jet Energy was activated. - OhJeevesy's Giratina V was switched with OhJeevesy's Comfey to become the Active Pokémon.
OhJeevesy's Giratina V is now in the Active Spot.
OhJeevesy's Giratina V used Abyss Seeking. - OhJeevesy drew 2 cards.
- OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's 2 cards to the Lost Zone.
• Spiritomb, Switch
Turn # 4 - yangpogo2's Turn
yangpogo2 drew Techno Radar.
yangpogo2 attached Future Booster Energy Capsule to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
yangpogo2 retreated Iron Thorns ex to the Bench.
yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex is now in the Active Spot.
yangpogo2 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex on the Bench.
yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex used Volt Cyclone on OhJeevesy’s Giratina V for 120 damage.
- yangpogo2 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex on the Bench.
Turn # 4 - OhJeevesy's Turn
OhJeevesy drew a card.
OhJeevesy played Nest Ball.
- OhJeevesy drew Giratina V and played it to the Bench.
- OhJeevesy shuffled their deck.
OhJeevesy played Colress's Experiment. - OhJeevesy drew 3 cards.
- OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's 2 cards to the Lost Zone.
• Nest Ball, Forest Seal Stone
OhJeevesy played Mirage Gate. - OhJeevesy attached Basic Grass Energy to Giratina V on the Bench.
- OhJeevesy attached Basic Water Energy to Giratina V on the Bench.
- OhJeevesy shuffled their deck.
OhJeevesy attached Basic Psychic Energy to Giratina V on the Bench.
OhJeevesy evolved Giratina V to Giratina VSTAR in the Active Spot.
OhJeevesy's Giratina VSTAR used Star Requiem.
yangpogo2 moved yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex to the Lost Zone.
Double Turbo Energy was discarded from yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex.
yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex is now in the Active Spot.
OhJeevesy took 2 Prize cards.
A card was added to OhJeevesy's hand.
A card was added to OhJeevesy's hand.
Turn # 5 - yangpogo2's Turn
yangpogo2 drew Iron Thorns ex.
yangpogo2 played Iron Thorns ex to the Bench.
yangpogo2 played Earthen Vessel.
- yangpogo2 discarded Colress's Tenacity.
- yangpogo2 drew Basic Lightning Energy.
- yangpogo2 shuffled their deck.
yangpogo2 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex on the Bench.
yangpogo2 played Professor's Research. - yangpogo2 discarded 4 cards.
• Double Turbo Energy, Pokémon Catcher, Boss's Orders, Techno Radar - yangpogo2 drew 7 cards.
• Crushing Hammer, Pokémon Catcher, Crushing Hammer, Arven, Future Booster Energy Capsule, Basic Lightning Energy, Canceling Cologne
yangpogo2 played Crushing Hammer. - yangpogo2 flipped a coin and it landed on tails.
yangpogo2 played Crushing Hammer. - yangpogo2 flipped a coin and it landed on tails.
yangpogo2 retreated Iron Thorns ex to the Bench.
yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex is now in the Active Spot.
yangpogo2 attached Future Booster Energy Capsule to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex used Volt Cyclone on OhJeevesy’s Giratina VSTAR for 160 damage. - yangpogo2 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex on the Bench.
- 3 cards were discarded from OhJeevesy's Giratina VSTAR.
• Basic Grass Energy, Basic Psychic Energy, Jet Energy
OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's Giratina VSTAR to the Lost Zone.
OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's Giratina V to the Lost Zone.
OhJeevesy's Giratina V is now in the Active Spot.
yangpogo2 took 2 Prize cards.
Basic Lightning Energy was added to yangpogo2's hand.
Technical Machine: Turbo Energize was added to yangpogo2's hand.
Turn # 5 - OhJeevesy's Turn
OhJeevesy drew a card.
OhJeevesy evolved Giratina V to Giratina VSTAR in the Active Spot.
OhJeevesy played Lost Vacuum.
- OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's Radiant Greninja to the Lost Zone.
- OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's Future Booster Energy Capsule to the Lost Zone.
OhJeevesy attached Basic Water Energy to Giratina VSTAR in the Active Spot.
OhJeevesy played Roxanne. - OhJeevesy shuffled 2 cards into their deck.
- OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's 6 cards to their deck.
• Pokémon Catcher, Arven, Basic Lightning Energy, Canceling Cologne, Basic Lightning Energy, Technical Machine: Turbo Energize - OhJeevesy drew 6 cards.
- OhJeevesy drew 2 cards.
• Arven, Penny
OhJeevesy's Giratina VSTAR used Star Requiem. - 3 cards were discarded from yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex.
• Basic Lightning Energy, Basic Lightning Energy, Future Booster Energy Capsule
yangpogo2 moved yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex to the Lost Zone.
yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex is now in the Active Spot.
OhJeevesy took 2 Prize cards.
A card was added to OhJeevesy's hand.
A card was added to OhJeevesy's hand.
Turn # 6 - yangpogo2's Turn
yangpogo2 drew Judge.
yangpogo2 played Judge.
- yangpogo2 shuffled 2 cards into their deck.
• Arven, Penny - yangpogo2 moved yangpogo2's 8 cards to their deck.
- yangpogo2 drew 4 cards.
• Technical Machine: Turbo Energize, Prime Catcher, Pokégear 3.0, Future Booster Energy Capsule - yangpogo2 drew 4 cards.
yangpogo2 ended their turn.
Turn # 6 - OhJeevesy's Turn
OhJeevesy drew a card.
OhJeevesy played Colress's Experiment.
- OhJeevesy drew 3 cards.
- OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's 2 cards to the Lost Zone.
• Giratina V, Buddy-Buddy Poffin
OhJeevesy attached Basic Water Energy to Giratina VSTAR in the Active Spot.
OhJeevesy's Giratina VSTAR used Lost Impact on yangpogo2’s Iron Thorns ex for 280 damage. - OhJeevesy moved OhJeevesy's 2 cards to the Lost Zone.
• Basic Water Energy, Basic Water Energy - 2 cards were discarded from yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex.
• Basic Lightning Energy, Basic Lightning Energy
yangpogo2 moved yangpogo2's Iron Thorns ex to the Lost Zone.
OhJeevesy took 2 Prize cards.
A card was added to OhJeevesy's hand.
A card was added to OhJeevesy's hand.
Opponent took all of their Prize cards. OhJeevesy wins.
I've seen people experiencing similar VStar Power bug with Dialga VStar... so unother broken bug…
How about fix this TCG Live devs or you're waiting for VStars to be rotated out of Standard?
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from reading the log, I think the game incorrectly marks Star Requiem as used on only one Giratina, or only on the Giratina VSTARs in play
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I guess the problem was actually related to Iron Thorns ex in active spot (looking at the logs).
They are going to fix it in next update 1.18.0:
"Fixed an issue where certain VSTAR or GX cards could use VSTAR or GX attacks indefinitely when Iron Thorns was in the Active spot."