The Team Flare Agenda

OK, I'm replaying Pokemon Y and I noticed something I never knew. Most people remember that Lysandre's goal was to destroy the race of humans from the world so that they could stop over using the resources and stop corruption. People who joined Team Flare would be saved from this. As I was playing one of the NPC asked what would happen to the pokemon of the world and Lysandre said that they too would be destroyed to prevent them from being used as tools. Did anyone else notice this.
@clasingla same here
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He actually cries while saying it, so it's pretty memorable.
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Tiny spoiler warning
Also the NPC who asks him is your rival (the opposite player character), and it's also pretty memorable because it happens in Team Flare's base, just a "few" fights before you get the Legendary and defeat Lysandre.
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Lysandre was not very fond of people, they made a mini series which covered various moments in the Pokemon games (until ORAS) and one covered why Lysandre became evil (or a reason behind it, I don't remember it that well). It is worth watching as it gave him more of a backstory, they used to have it on the Pokemon website free to watch but it seems the service is gone, its probably on YouTube or something.