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Ayo where the Pinsir fans at?

xXSpewpaXx Member Posts: 5
First Comment First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper

Pinsir has always been so cool to me ever since i first saw it in the anime. Up until them most Pokémon had been small, cute creatures you could very easily link to real world animals, so when that guy sent out such a large, scary figure, i instantly fell in love. It was just so different and cool from what we were used to. That experience is probably my main reason for loving Bug-Types as much as i do in all honesty.


  • TormentedWitch
    TormentedWitch Member Posts: 3
    First Comment
    edited August 29 #2

    Looks destructive, I like to imagine it ensnares the foe with it's spiked horns and beat them to submission. Really cool. Looks definitely like a menace, that it would intimidate the docile, not out of threat but you know… it's the way its made I guess.

  • PokemiiAC
    PokemiiAC Member Posts: 591 ✭✭
    25 Likes 5 Answers 500 Comments 25 LOLs

    Pinsir’s mouth scares me