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Anyone having trouble Match making??



    KREDIBLE1 Member Posts: 8
    Photogenic First Comment First Anniversary
    edited February 2023 #22

    Currently having this same issue unfortunately (on PC)

  • lvlrAdam
    lvlrAdam Member Posts: 96 ✭✭
    5 Likes First Anniversary 25 Agrees Name Dropper

    Yep its broke. Bill, junior developer, tripped on a cord and the whole thing got fried.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 500 Agrees 250 Likes

    @NeptuneShaun It's not the same bug. It's able to at the very least go a month without maintenance. This is probably just the matchmaking servers going down completely.

  • Disl3cic
    Disl3cic Member Posts: 2
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    Still down. Can't find an opponent.

  • Avahnel
    Avahnel Member Posts: 2
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    Yes! Just sat here for an hour trying to get a quick game in, it has moments like that more frequently than i like.

  • Aatrejuu
    Aatrejuu Member Posts: 2
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    Me also

  • OnionBreeze
    OnionBreeze Member Posts: 1
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    Tried multiple times over the last few hours. Couldn't find match. Even uninstalled and reinstalled the app. Nothing. Just the spinning pokeball... Any word from devs on this yet?

  • WordsofSand
    WordsofSand Member Posts: 1
    Photogenic First Comment

    Just guessing that their matchmaking servers were not made ready for the mass exodus of players from PTCGO after the announcement.

    Annoying for sure, because I really want to play, but hopefully it's just a growing pain for Live.

  • sgkorthals
    sgkorthals Member Posts: 1
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    I actually have been able to find a match but it takes 20-30 minutes to do so. It's terrible.

  • FrozenBlaze110
    FrozenBlaze110 Member Posts: 6
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    same can't even casual match.