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What do you think will be the next main series game after Pokémon Z-A?

TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭✭
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edited August 21 in Pokémon Video Games #1

So we all know that the next game will be Pokémon Z-A, and many segments of the Pokémon community are champing at the bit for any new information about it, for better or worse...

But I am curious, what do you think comes after it?

Not what do you want necessarily, but what do you think will actually happen?

Do you think we will move on to generation 10, be that the same year as Z-A (hopefully not), the year after or several years on?

Do you think there will be a gen 5 remake or an Unova based game; logically the next generation in sequence due for a remake?

Gen 5 (despite being best gen) had the worst sales in the series, so do you think they will skip to gen 6 to couple it with Z-A, go back to Kanto or Johto, or remake/port something else in the series to the Switch?

Do you think there is enough life in the Pokémon Go brand to warrant another Let's Go game (or a console game using Go mechanics)?

Or do you anticipate something entirely new that we haven't seen before? Or some option I have forgotten or neglected to list?

I am interested to know what you all think will happen.

What do you think will be the next main series game after Pokémon Z-A? 15 votes

Gen 10
cpm1FlametixGaocarminapuplover1118CInnaBoxUnovanZoruaPokemaster9293clasinglaCandy0_oFlareonb0ii 10 votes
Gen 5 Remake
TabaxiDragon 1 vote
Other Remake/Ports
maxytreecko 1 vote
A "Let's Go" Game
MajorBrendan 1 vote
Something else...
EremasTacolaser 2 votes


  • Flametix
    Flametix Member Posts: 545 ✭✭✭
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    Gen 10

    rush out gen 10 for the 30th anniversary special

  • cpm1
    cpm1 Member Posts: 349 ✭✭✭
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    Gen 10

    gen 10

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭✭
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    @Flametix That sounds like a similar scenario to what happened with PLA and SV. Those games seemed to be developed in parallel to a degree.

    Gen 10 starting in 2026 wouldn't be so bad, but I think the games stand a better chance if it were the end of the year rather than the beginning.

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 2,702 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Gen 10

    it’s inevitable gen 10 and that is going to happen November 2025 like the past 3 generations

  • maxytreecko
    maxytreecko Member Posts: 14
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    Other Remake/Ports

    Gen 10 is most definitely in 2026 for the 30th anniversary. It would be very weird if it wasn't. Gen 5 remake I don't see happening for a while. And a let's go game is just unnecessary. I'm hoping we should get a remake or a port of any pokemon game.

  • Gaocarmina
    Gaocarmina Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
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    edited August 21 #7
    Gen 10

    For now on I assuming Gen 10 though I think its gonna be released in late 2026.

    As for whenever the Unova remakes will be a thing, idk if going to be on the Switch's successor. I mean the monkey trio and the Patrat line has yet to be transferrable in a single Switch game.

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 803 ✭✭✭
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    Something else...

    i think there's a good chance of a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon or a Pokken Tournament type game. Or maybe something not main series.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭✭
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    edited August 21 #9

    @Gaocarmina I have heard that the next console will be backwards compatible. That being the case, releasing the games for Switch should be fine and will reach the largest audience. It will also make the missing Pokémon available on Switch.

    But I suspect Nintendo would very much like the newest Pokémon games to be next gen exclusives to sell the new hardware.


    Those are Pokémon themed spin-offs of non-Pokémon series, and not developed by Gamefreak. I am talking about the next main series games.

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Gen 10

    I think Z-A will be the last Switch Pokémon game, and Gen 10 will release on November of the 30th anniversary year (2026).

    Speaking of the 30th anniversary, Sun and Moon will be TEN YEARS OLD that year. I still see Sun and Moon as the second or third newest Pokémon game, there's no way they're almost eight years old already. It's 3D! With non-chibi (I forgot the actual word) 3D models for the characters, amazing looking cutscenes, over 800 Pokémon, and lots of other things!

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭✭
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    @UnovanZorua I think you are being a bit generous with your assessment of SM's cutscenes. That didn't look that good. Fairly generic, in fact.

    I think the constant tutorials and cutscenes were the biggest problem with SM. I like the story and characters. It could potentially be my favourite 3D game if not for the halting delivery of the narrative. They needed to improve the tutorials, if not give you the option to disable them completely, and space out the cutscenes a little more.

    Maybe a remake one day will help it realise its full potential. I hope so.

    It is crazy to think that SM are 8 years old. They came out a year or so after I moved to Japan, and were the first games I didn't play the English version first.