Problems on PC PTCG Live

I have been playing on PC as the iOS app drains the battery faster than these bugs drain the life out of me, but other than that it works decent enough.
Ever since the 25th of Jan I have been having a lot of problems on the PC app with the following, anyone else been having these, or is it just me?
The problems in question are:
- Search deck (both from abilities/support cards) not working. It says I have a selection of valid cards, but they appear transparent and I cannot drag them.
- Sometimes when I use cards where you are to take X amount from your deck, they become pink or remain backwards even in my hand (it has the standard pokemon back as irl cards).
- Game tends to freeze at random times. The timer still goes and using emotes/conceding is still possible.
- Unable to use the battle pass function (it gives the error that it is currently unavailable), unless the game is fully restarted.
- Characters from opposing players are transparent when it comes to the clothing part/hair. The skin shows up, same with mouth and eyes, but the parts where the clothing is supposed to be does not.
I've been seeing some of these problems.
- Unable to select cards at times from search options like unable to select comfey from a quick ball.
- I've had a few freezes now as well at random times.
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In this game, card search can be locked by certain cards that cause bugs.
For e.g, I noticed that Leafy Comfy Poncho made my Radiant Eternatus deck unplayable, despite being an important tool to protect my VMax Pokemon from gust (like Duraldon for the Lugia matchup or Flying Pikachu for Basic mons matchup like Regi box).
There's also Pokéstop which has been bugged since release and cause random bugs depending on the deck. Sometimes, it prevents card search from items. Sometimes, it prevents the use of Ordinary Rod to recover items.
In it's current state, it's really difficult to know which deck are playable unless you try them and change it before every match. The bugs are so inconsistent between systems that it looks like the dev team haven't figured out a way to fix most of them.
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Opponents turn: incessant freezing and lagging which occasionally causes me to miss my turn.
My turn: game seems to to run fast and smooth?
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Not forgetting that useless screen that pops up at the end of each game [REWARDS] when there are none. That's as random as other parts too. Best bet? Scrap the whole game and start again, using the old one! 🙄