Vstar Powers being used more than once

Second time running into an issue where an opponent is able to use vstar powers multiple times a game. The first time was against Dialga Vstar and it just happened again against Giratina Vstar. I will paste the battle log below from the Giratina game and have attached pictures from when it happened during the dialga game. Hope to hear this is getting fixed soon as when this bug occurs it results in essentially an auto win for the person benefitting and an auto loss for the person who is not. Also curious if anyone else has had this same issue?
eriktrollhunter chose tails for the opening coin flip.
tcgman101101 won the coin toss.
tcgman101101 decided to go second.
eriktrollhunter drew 7 cards for the opening hand.
- 7 drawn cards.
tcgman101101 drew 7 cards for the opening hand. - 7 drawn cards.
• Crushing Hammer, Iono, Crushing Hammer, Crushing Hammer, Colress's Tenacity, Pokégear 3.0, Techno Radar
tcgman101101 took a mulligan. - Cards revealed from Mulligan 1
• Crushing Hammer, Iono, Crushing Hammer, Crushing Hammer, Colress's Tenacity, Pokégear 3.0, Techno Radar
tcgman101101 took 5 mulligans. - Cards revealed from Mulligan 2
• Pokégear 3.0, Enhanced Hammer, Boss's Orders, Basic Lightning Energy, Technical Machine: Turbo Energize, Pokégear 3.0, Crushing Hammer - Cards revealed from Mulligan 3
• Professor's Research, Double Turbo Energy, Pokégear 3.0, Enhanced Hammer, Future Booster Energy Capsule, Giovanni's Charisma, Energy Loto - Cards revealed from Mulligan 4
• Basic Lightning Energy, Technical Machine: Turbo Energize, Basic Lightning Energy, Crushing Hammer, Boss's Orders, Professor's Research, Basic Lightning Energy - Cards revealed from Mulligan 5
• Giovanni's Charisma, Basic Lightning Energy, Judge, Crushing Hammer, Pokégear 3.0, Pokégear 3.0, Crushing Hammer
eriktrollhunter drew 5 more cards because tcgman101101 took at least 1 mulligan. - eriktrollhunter drew 5 cards.
eriktrollhunter played Cramorant to the Active Spot.
tcgman101101 played Iron Thorns ex to the Active Spot.
Turn # 1 - eriktrollhunter's Turn
eriktrollhunter drew a card.
eriktrollhunter played Comfey to the Bench.
eriktrollhunter played Nest Ball.
- eriktrollhunter drew Giratina V and played it to the Bench.
- eriktrollhunter shuffled their deck.
eriktrollhunter played PokéStop to the Stadium spot.
eriktrollhunter played PokéStop. - eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's 3 cards to the discard pile.
• PokéStop, Basic Grass Energy, Basic Psychic Energy
eriktrollhunter attached Jet Energy to Comfey on the Bench.
Jet Energy was activated. - eriktrollhunter's Comfey was switched with eriktrollhunter's Cramorant to become the Active Pokémon.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey is now in the Active Spot.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey used Flower Selecting. - eriktrollhunter drew a card.
- eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's Mirage Gate to the Lost Zone.
eriktrollhunter played Comfey to the Bench.
eriktrollhunter retreated Comfey to the Bench. - Jet Energy was discarded from eriktrollhunter's Comfey.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey is now in the Active Spot.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey used Flower Selecting. - eriktrollhunter drew a card.
- eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's Colress's Experiment to the Lost Zone.
eriktrollhunter ended their turn.
Turn # 1 - tcgman101101's Turn
tcgman101101 drew Judge.
tcgman101101 played PokéStop.
- eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's 3 cards to the discard pile.
• Techno Radar, Arven, Iron Thorns ex - eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's Techno Radar to their hand.
tcgman101101 played Techno Radar. - tcgman101101 discarded Lost City.
- tcgman101101 drew Iron Thorns ex.
- tcgman101101 shuffled their deck.
tcgman101101 played Iron Thorns ex to the Bench.
tcgman101101 attached Double Turbo Energy to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
tcgman101101 played Lost City to the Stadium spot. - eriktrollhunter discarded PokéStop.
tcgman101101 played Judge. - tcgman101101 shuffled 3 cards into their deck.
• Colress's Tenacity, Enhanced Hammer, Boss's Orders - tcgman101101 moved tcgman101101's 9 cards to their deck.
- tcgman101101 drew 4 cards.
• Double Turbo Energy, Basic Lightning Energy, Technical Machine: Turbo Energize, Pokégear 3.0 - tcgman101101 drew 4 cards.
tcgman101101 attached Technical Machine: Turbo Energize to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex used Turbo Energize. - tcgman101101 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex on the Bench.
- tcgman101101 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex on the Bench.
- tcgman101101 shuffled their deck.
Iron Thorns ex was activated. - Technical Machine: Turbo Energize was discarded from tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex.
Turn # 2 - eriktrollhunter's Turn
eriktrollhunter drew a card.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey used Flower Selecting.
- eriktrollhunter drew a card.
- eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's Pal Pad to the Lost Zone.
eriktrollhunter attached Jet Energy to Comfey on the Bench.
Jet Energy was activated. - eriktrollhunter's Comfey was switched with eriktrollhunter's Comfey to become the Active Pokémon.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey is now in the Active Spot.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey used Flower Selecting. - eriktrollhunter drew a card.
- eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's PokéStop to the Lost Zone.
eriktrollhunter retreated Comfey to the Bench. - Jet Energy was discarded from eriktrollhunter's Comfey.
eriktrollhunter's Cramorant is now in the Active Spot.
eriktrollhunter's Cramorant used Spit Innocently on tcgman101101’s Iron Thorns ex for 110 damage.
Turn # 2 - tcgman101101's Turn
tcgman101101 drew Future Booster Energy Capsule.
tcgman101101 attached Future Booster Energy Capsule to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
tcgman101101 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
tcgman101101 played Pokégear 3.0.
- tcgman101101 drew Iono.
- tcgman101101 shuffled their deck.
tcgman101101 played Iono. - tcgman101101 shuffled their hand.
- tcgman101101 put Double Turbo Energy on the bottom of their deck.
- eriktrollhunter shuffled their hand.
- tcgman101101 moved tcgman101101's 6 cards to their deck.
- tcgman101101 drew 6 cards.
• Judge, Iono, Boss's Orders, Lost Vacuum, Crushing Hammer, Basic Lightning Energy - tcgman101101 drew 6 cards.
tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex used Volt Cyclone on eriktrollhunter’s Cramorant for 280 damage. eriktrollhunter's Cramorant took 140 more damage because of Lightning Weakness. - tcgman101101 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex on the Bench.
eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's Cramorant to the Lost Zone.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey is now in the Active Spot.
tcgman101101 took a Prize card.
Giovanni's Charisma was added to tcgman101101's hand.
Turn # 3 - eriktrollhunter's Turn
eriktrollhunter drew a card.
eriktrollhunter played Giratina V to the Bench.
eriktrollhunter evolved Giratina V to Giratina VSTAR on the Bench.
eriktrollhunter played Comfey to the Bench.
eriktrollhunter played Colress's Experiment.
- eriktrollhunter drew 3 cards.
- eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's 2 cards to the Lost Zone.
• Giratina V, Spiritomb
eriktrollhunter played Mirage Gate. - eriktrollhunter attached Basic Grass Energy to Giratina VSTAR on the Bench.
- eriktrollhunter attached Basic Psychic Energy to Giratina VSTAR on the Bench.
- eriktrollhunter shuffled their deck.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey used Flower Selecting. - eriktrollhunter drew a card.
- eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's Giratina VSTAR to the Lost Zone.
eriktrollhunter attached Basic Psychic Energy to Comfey in the Active Spot.
eriktrollhunter retreated Comfey to the Bench. - Basic Psychic Energy was discarded from eriktrollhunter's Comfey.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey is now in the Active Spot.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey used Flower Selecting. - eriktrollhunter drew a card.
- eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's Roxanne to the Lost Zone.
eriktrollhunter played Prime Catcher. - tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex was switched with tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex to become the Active Pokémon.
- eriktrollhunter's Giratina VSTAR was switched with eriktrollhunter's Comfey to become the Active Pokémon.
tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex is now in the Active Spot.
eriktrollhunter's Giratina VSTAR is now in the Active Spot.
eriktrollhunter played Lost Vacuum. - eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's Giratina VSTAR to the Lost Zone.
- eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's Future Booster Energy Capsule to the Lost Zone.
eriktrollhunter's Giratina VSTAR used Star Requiem. - 3 cards were discarded from tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex.
• Basic Lightning Energy, Basic Lightning Energy, Basic Lightning Energy
tcgman101101 moved tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex to the Lost Zone.
tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex is now in the Active Spot.
eriktrollhunter took 2 Prize cards.
A card was added to eriktrollhunter's hand.
A card was added to eriktrollhunter's hand.
Turn # 3 - tcgman101101's Turn
tcgman101101 drew Crushing Hammer.
tcgman101101 played Crushing Hammer.
- tcgman101101 flipped a coin and it landed on tails.
tcgman101101 played Crushing Hammer. - tcgman101101 flipped a coin and it landed on heads.
- Basic Psychic Energy was discarded from tcgman101101's Giratina VSTAR.
tcgman101101 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
tcgman101101 played Iono. - tcgman101101 shuffled their hand.
- tcgman101101 put 4 cards on the bottom of their deck.
• Giovanni's Charisma, Lost Vacuum, Judge, Boss's Orders - eriktrollhunter shuffled their hand.
- tcgman101101 moved tcgman101101's 5 cards to their deck.
- tcgman101101 drew 5 cards.
• Professor's Research, Iron Thorns ex, Lost City, Crushing Hammer, Double Turbo Energy - tcgman101101 drew 4 cards.
tcgman101101 played Iron Thorns ex to the Bench.
tcgman101101 played Crushing Hammer. - tcgman101101 flipped a coin and it landed on tails.
tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex used Volt Cyclone on eriktrollhunter’s Giratina VSTAR for 120 damage. - tcgman101101 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex on the Bench.
Turn # 4 - eriktrollhunter's Turn
eriktrollhunter drew a card.
eriktrollhunter attached Jet Energy to Comfey on the Bench.
Jet Energy was activated.
- eriktrollhunter's Comfey was switched with eriktrollhunter's Giratina VSTAR to become the Active Pokémon.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey is now in the Active Spot.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey used Flower Selecting. - eriktrollhunter drew a card.
- eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's Giratina V to the Lost Zone.
eriktrollhunter retreated Comfey to the Bench. - Jet Energy was discarded from eriktrollhunter's Comfey.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey is now in the Active Spot.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey used Flower Selecting. - eriktrollhunter drew a card.
- eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's Switch to the Lost Zone.
eriktrollhunter played Colress's Experiment. - eriktrollhunter drew 3 cards.
- eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's 2 cards to the Lost Zone.
• Basic Grass Energy, Switch
eriktrollhunter ended their turn.
Turn # 4 - tcgman101101's Turn
tcgman101101 drew Judge.
tcgman101101 attached Double Turbo Energy to Iron Thorns ex on the Bench.
tcgman101101 played Judge.
- tcgman101101 shuffled 2 cards into their deck.
• Professor's Research, Lost City - tcgman101101 moved tcgman101101's 8 cards to their deck.
- tcgman101101 drew 4 cards.
• Earthen Vessel, Pokégear 3.0, Boss's Orders, Crushing Hammer - tcgman101101 drew 4 cards.
tcgman101101 played Crushing Hammer. - tcgman101101 flipped a coin and it landed on heads.
- Basic Grass Energy was discarded from tcgman101101's Giratina VSTAR.
tcgman101101 ended their turn.
Turn # 5 - eriktrollhunter's Turn
eriktrollhunter drew a card.
eriktrollhunter's Comfey used Flower Selecting.
- eriktrollhunter drew a card.
- eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's Buddy-Buddy Poffin to the Lost Zone.
eriktrollhunter played Lost Vacuum. - eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's Manaphy to the Lost Zone.
- eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's Lost City to the Lost Zone.
eriktrollhunter played Super Rod. - eriktrollhunter shuffled 3 cards into their deck.
• Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Grass Energy
eriktrollhunter played Mirage Gate. - eriktrollhunter attached Basic Grass Energy to Giratina VSTAR on the Bench.
- eriktrollhunter attached Basic Psychic Energy to Giratina VSTAR on the Bench.
- eriktrollhunter shuffled their deck.
eriktrollhunter played Mirage Gate. - eriktrollhunter attached Basic Grass Energy to Comfey in the Active Spot.
- eriktrollhunter attached Basic Psychic Energy to Giratina VSTAR on the Bench.
- eriktrollhunter shuffled their deck.
eriktrollhunter retreated Comfey to the Bench. - Basic Grass Energy was discarded from eriktrollhunter's Comfey.
eriktrollhunter's Giratina VSTAR is now in the Active Spot.
eriktrollhunter's Giratina VSTAR used Star Requiem.
tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex was Knocked Out!
Double Turbo Energy was discarded from tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex.
tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex is now in the Active Spot.
eriktrollhunter took 2 Prize cards.
A card was added to eriktrollhunter's hand.
A card was added to eriktrollhunter's hand.
Turn # 5 - tcgman101101's Turn
tcgman101101 drew Professor's Research.
tcgman101101 played Pokégear 3.0.
- tcgman101101 drew Boss's Orders.
- tcgman101101 shuffled their deck.
tcgman101101 played Boss's Orders. - eriktrollhunter's Giratina V was switched with eriktrollhunter's Giratina VSTAR to become the Active Pokémon.
eriktrollhunter's Giratina V is now in the Active Spot.
tcgman101101 played Earthen Vessel. - tcgman101101 discarded Boss's Orders.
- tcgman101101 drew 2 cards.
• Basic Lightning Energy, Basic Lightning Energy - tcgman101101 shuffled their deck.
tcgman101101 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex used Volt Cyclone on eriktrollhunter’s Giratina V for 120 damage.
Turn # 6 - eriktrollhunter's Turn
eriktrollhunter drew a card.
eriktrollhunter played Switch.
- eriktrollhunter's Giratina VSTAR was switched with eriktrollhunter's Giratina V to become the Active Pokémon.
eriktrollhunter's Giratina VSTAR is now in the Active Spot.
eriktrollhunter's Giratina VSTAR used Lost Impact on tcgman101101’s Iron Thorns ex for 280 damage. - eriktrollhunter moved eriktrollhunter's 2 cards to the Lost Zone.
• Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy
tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex was Knocked Out! - 3 cards were discarded from tcgman101101's Iron Thorns ex.
• Basic Lightning Energy, Double Turbo Energy, Basic Lightning Energy
eriktrollhunter took 2 Prize cards.
A card was added to eriktrollhunter's hand.
A card was added to eriktrollhunter's hand.
Opponent Knocked Out all your Pokémon in play and took all their Prize cards. eriktrollhunter wins.
wow Giratina Vstar Power twice, that's a totally broken glitch… but using Dialga Vstar Power twice it's even more insanely broken lol
I never saw those bugs happen tho… I hope support looks at this, if true those bugs lead to broken exploits.
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This is definitely a glitch—I've experienced it twice, always against Dialga VStar. Based on this post, it seems the bug might be related to how the game handles Iron Thorns' block ability and VStar attacks.
Hint for the developers: It’s likely that something is preventing the VStar marker from being used, as in both instances, my opponent’s VStar marker never switched to "used."
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@erHaku ok in the log posted we can see Giratina Vstar Power used twice so if the log it's authentic that's clearly a bug... but about Dialga VStar Power you know it allows to take another turn after using it rigth? I hope you are not confusing that with a bug.
But if you say that VStar marker never switched to "used" probably it's indeed a bug, if you could get a log of Dialga VStar Power glitch too it would make a stronger case for support to look it up I believe.
Btw I just played both decks and wasn't able to reproduce those bugs 😕 but if someone can make it happen share how you do it so they have to fix it asap, I mean if a lot of players are exploiting this they must to something about it fast.
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Ok, that's unfortunate indeed. Anyway 3 turns in a row that's an insane bug totally broken! I hope devs look at this asap