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Cancelling cologne not updating with board state

I cancelling cologne-ed an iron thorns, then gusted up the other iron thorns, then abilities were disabled (tried to Restart with 1 card hand)


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  • Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    That's not a bug. It only applies to the Pokémon that was in the active when you played it. I can't figure out why you'd ever play the cards in that order, even if you thought it worked that way. You need to work on your sequencing.

  • Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Disregard, I misread the card. Still strange sequencing though.

  • Member Posts: 1,613 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Cancelling Cologne should work until the end of your turn (on you opponent Active Pokémon) no matter if the active changes... I used it many times but never got that issue, what was on your board?

  • Member Posts: 7
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    @TechHog I drew into the prime catcher lol, not a sequencing issue from what i remember is i cancelling-ed to Teal Dance to find prime catcher and use it to lower my hand size for Restart.

    @DoubleCure Mainly the Mew ex on the bench and Iron Thorns ex in the active was important, it was the same turn I 1000% used cancelling cologne

  • Member Posts: 1,613 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Not sure if I got your board right. You mean in your side of the board was just Mew ex on the bench and Iron Thorns ex in the active?

    If so, your own Iron Thorns disables your Mew ex abilities because Mew ex it's not a future Pokemon.

  • Member Posts: 7
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    No, iron thorns on opponent's active and mew on my bench + I used cancelling cologne which disabled OPPONENT's active pokemon's abilities (including those that come into play)

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    This is a bug.

    Canceling Cologne reads: "Until the end for your turn, your opponent's Active Pokémon has no Abilities. (This includes Pokémon that come into play during that turn.).

    I just got the same issue.
    I played Canceling cologne at the start of my turn, to use my Fezandipiti ex ability; Flip the script.
    I then got a Boss's orders because I wanted to KO my Opponent's benched Iron Thorns ex. So I boss'd up, and then switched to my Bloodmoon Ursaluna (which had 3 energies, and opponent had taken 2 prize cards = I meet the energy requirement to attack), but the game told me I only had 3/5 in order to attack.

    The effect of the Cologne was REMOVED when the opponent's active Pokémon switched back to the bench. But Cologne should STILL be in affect as it is NOT the end of my turn. My turn ends after I announce an attack.

    Please, fix this bug.

  • Moderator Posts: 682 mod
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    Hey Trainers! We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. To help our team take a closer look and get this sorted out, could you please open a ticket with our support team? You can do that by going to support.pokemon.com, click on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and then hit "Contact Us." Thank you again for helping us improve the game!

  • Member Posts: 7
    Name Dropper First Comment

    @40_2d Version 1.18.0 they fixing it


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